I would run it in Death and taxes and
hatebears if I had it.. as an example.
A halfway Grim Lavamancer on a stick, Shamble Back without the zombie, and a Birds of Paradise that eats lands to belch out rainbows?
Swear Id even seen a burn list when I first got into modern running them.
Black likely shouldn't have a mana dork, and yeh don't want jund to have one cause Liliana of the Veil T2 is just so beautifully destructive.
July 18, 2016 4:41 p.m.
Ryotenchi "eats lands to belche out rainbows".
This. Made. My. Day.
July 19, 2016 2:44 p.m.
Im glad.. I dont think I could have conveyed it better. =n.n=
sunawa says... #1
It destroyed the format. Everyone was running black or green so they could run him, because he literally does EVERYTHING. Graveyard hate, burn, life gain, and mana generation. When a card takes over a format so heavily, Wizards bans it so that people can play without needing a card that everyone else has.
July 18, 2016 3:31 p.m.