Does anyone agree with me on this?
Modern forum
Posted on Feb. 23, 2014, 3:04 p.m. by 8vomit
I feel like Blood Moon should be banned in modern. I mean for a 3 drop enchantment, its soo OP. In a format that is as nonbasic land heavy as modern is, it does too much. EVERY deck in modern runs tons of nonbasics, so your literally crippled turn 3 (unless youre also playing red). DRS was one way to get some mana once Blood Moon hit the field, but he got the ban hammer, so thats out of the question. You have to have a mana dork (maybe 2) or be playing red and have enchantment hate. otherwise you're just screwed the rest of the game.
I freaking hate Blood Moon , and i think it deserves to be banned. does anyone else agree with me?
megawurmple says... #3
I can see where you're coming from, but as Epochalyptik said, although it is really annoying, it is only an answer. Besides, because it is so damaging, only mono-red can play it, and mono-red doesn't see an enormous amount of play at the moment. All the top decks have answers to Blood Moon . Abrupt Decay , counter spells, enchantment hate etcetera all exist. Funnily enough, the only colour combination that sees play that can't answer Blood Moon is mono-red. You can always fetch up your basics in the early game if you're worried.
It's a pain to see on the other side of the table, but it's not ban-worthy.
February 23, 2014 3:22 p.m.
I don't think it should be banned. I actually like, that the new "Blue Moon" deck had such a great showing at the recent PT. Maybe now modern will shift away a little from the greedy manabases.
And it has a big weakness. You saw it very well in the QF of PT BNG. Blood Moon does essentially nothing against U/R Twin. I think the U/R aggro deck, which we saw at GP Prague also doesn't get hurt as bad.
It does however hose 3-colored decks and 2-colored decks with lots of utility ladns.
February 23, 2014 3:24 p.m.
I can't disagree more. It's one of the few cards that actually punishes greedy 3 color manabases and that is a good thing. Blood Moon does nothing to Basic Lands and I for one, believe it is very healthy for the format.
February 23, 2014 3:37 p.m.
deathtouch_roadrunner says... #6
Shouldn't be banned. There need to be cards to pressure away from 3 color decks/utility land extravaganza decks. People who don't like dealing with it are the vocal minority who feel entitled to win just because they sleeved up $200+ of fetch lands.
February 23, 2014 4:19 p.m.
What deck are you using that you can't reliably have an answer to it? Don't take this the wrong way but maybe you don't have a solid sideboard.
Both of the modern decks I saw on your profile seem to have plenty of answers. The G/B one runs 4 Abrupt Decay mainboard and the U/R deck is filled with basics anyway.
Epochalyptik says... #2
Blood Moon is only an answer card, and it doesn't actually deny you quantity of mana (unless you're playing Tron, but that doesn't really count). You still have the capacity to produce an amount of mana equal to the number of lands you have.
Granted, it hoses some decks, but it's a 3-drop sorcery-speed answer that doesn't have any inherent means of shielding itself.
February 23, 2014 3:06 p.m.