Dumbest Game of Magic. Ever
Modern forum
Posted on Dec. 5, 2014, 5:13 a.m. by -Fulcrum
Not sure if this belongs in Modern or Social, went with my best guess.
I just felt like telling this game now while it's still fresh on my mind. I was playing Gifts Control against UWR Control on Cockatrice. This is Game 3.
I kept an opener with one land (a fetch) BoP, some discard, Negate, Snaps, and Liliana. In hindsight, I should not have kept it, but it wasn't like a tournament match.
My opponent mulled to 4. Needless to say, neither of us had a great start.
I'm on the play and immediately fetch, shock, BoP. Opponent plays a fetch and passes.
And... I did not get the second land. So no T2 Liliana. I play Duress and see 3 lands and Clique. Ouch. Went ahead and played Inquisition to get rid of it.
Opponent plays a land and passes. I draw... not a land. Again. I pass and do nothing. In my endstep, opponent Bolts the Bird, which I Negate.
There were a few turns of literally nothing happening. He was flooding and I was screwed. Eventually he hardcasts Leyline of Sanctity, which kinda wrecks my Life from the Loam + Raven's Crime combo.
But of course I would then finally topdeck a second land and Maelstrom Pulse the Leyline.
More nothing happens, he counters my Lili.
Eventually I resolve Gifts Ungiven in response to his Cryptic and get Raven's Crime, Life from the Loam, Academy Ruins, and a fetch. I already had out Tect Edge and Urborg, so I didn't need to get them specifically.
At this point, I tear his hand apart and finally start getting enough lands to play the game thanks to Loam, and it feels like I'm finally about to do stuff.
But then he uses Moorland Haunt to exile the Clique from the beginning of the game and literally pings me for one every turn. I sided out most of my removal and all my sweepers in favor of anti-control stuff. I only have 2 Paths and a Slaughter Pact left for removal and I can't draw them for love or money.
I played Batterskull, hoping to gain enough life to keep him from burning me to death, but he immediately killed the token. I need to do something immediately or he's going to kill me, and even if I replay Batterskull, it can't block the Spirit token.
This single 1/1 Spirit token that he's had since like turn 4.
I topdeck Lingering Souls and have a way to block the stupid 1/1 Spirit token that's killing me. But for some dumb reason, I never fetched a white source. I'm at 5 life and he's playing burn spells. So I have to wait a turn.
I play Life from the Loam and get a couple fetches, play one and pass the turn.
He pings me for 1 again, knocking me to 4. Endstep, I fetch a white source, going down to 3, and he Bolts me in response.
But I STILL have the Snapcaster Mage in hand from the beginning of the game. And the Negate in the yard. Counter the Bolt, barely survive.
Untap, equip the Batterskull (that I never bounced back to hand]] to Snaps and gain 6 life, finally stabilizing.
He topdecks Cryptic, bounces Batterskull, cantrips into a burn spell and I'm back to like 4 or something.
I cast and flashback Lingering Souls three turns in a row. He finally just can't do anything about it, and I snatch a win I really didn't deserve.
Well, thanks for reading. I just wanted to tell the story. I doubt it was as fun a read as Spootyone's articles, but it was definitely fun to play, even if frustrating for a good portion.
Does anyone else have any bizarre games?