Extirpate in modern
Modern forum
Posted on Feb. 11, 2015, 11:24 p.m. by Alexr1239
Does this card fit in well with an esper deck? I feel like it's good for the mirror match up. Also what happens if someone plays an Extirpate in response to your Extirpate?
TurboFagoot says... #2
I don't really buy that argument though. I didn't spend thousands on cards, I got my staples through smart trading. People have done legitimate pack to power, I believe most people have the ability to turn their collection into a winning deck, without dropping a bunch of money.
February 12, 2015 9:20 a.m.
TurboFagoot says... #3
I mean it depends on the deck. It makes sense that Thoughtseizing a Tribal Flames gins you life, but often you need to dd to the board more than attck the hand.
Sorry, my phone keyboard sucks.
I still disagree that Delver decks drew air. All of their air drew other caards, they were always going to find a threat.
Nd I think abzans place in the meta at the time owed more to the CA that is Birthing Pod more than anything else.
February 12, 2015 9:25 a.m.
What the hell has this thread turned into? It's amazing how passionate our community can become over a simple discussion on extirpate. This is why I love this site.
February 12, 2015 9:45 a.m.
Its an interesting discussion about thoughtseizes place against aggressive / tempo decks.
February 12, 2015 10:13 a.m.
And obviously Extirpate is a similar style of card to thoughtseize, but is slightly worse because it isnt guaranteed to rob your opponent of anythign that they actually had in hand.
February 12, 2015 10:22 a.m.
slovakattack says... #7
I did a pack to power once. It was an ABSOLUTE NIGHTMARE. Do you even know how hard it is to find someone with a Power Surge. I mean, my gawd.
February 12, 2015 10:24 a.m.
TurboFagoot, I don't need you to understand why not everyone plays strictly to win, but I'd implore you to be understanding.
February 12, 2015 10:28 a.m.
TurboFagoot says... #9
I wouldn't at all put Extirpate and Thoughtseize as similar cards. They fill completely different roles in a deck.
February 12, 2015 10:38 a.m.
thanks Epochalyptik you should be a mod haha. Although I don't mind people arguing about the card since it gives me different types of insight
February 12, 2015 11:07 a.m.
He is a mod, as am I (to some extent)
TurboFagoot - I don't class them as the same at all, but I understand how some people could think they serve similar purposes.
February 12, 2015 11:18 a.m.
Chiefbell is as much a mod as I am. Epoch is the only real mod in this thread.
February 12, 2015 11:29 a.m.
I can move threads around, delete threads, publish articles, edit pages on the website, add pages to the website, delete pages.
Given that I have power over what's posted AND can actively change the website, I would say I definitely verge on mod status, and certainly have a ton more power than you, no?
February 12, 2015 11:31 a.m.
Oh cool thanks for the help guys I was wondering if anyone could give me advice on my deck Esper Angel deck it's for casual play with friends so I don't want to make a sideboard, but I want a decent main board.
February 12, 2015 11:37 a.m.
Haha I'm only screwing with you Chief, didn't mean to attack your reputation here.
February 12, 2015 11:54 a.m.
Sorry. For a second there I thought you were actually being a dick. Apologies.
February 12, 2015 11:58 a.m.
I consider anyone who upholds the values of the site to be a mod.
February 12, 2015 12:14 p.m.
Epochalyptik says... #19
I'm a mod in the sense that I have administrative privs that allow me to handle some site functions. Other than that, I'm a regular user.
I do have a cult following that involves goat token sacrifices, though. You should join.
February 12, 2015 12:21 p.m.
Epochalyptik says... #21
Have you not been paying your dues? They'll find you.
February 12, 2015 1:16 p.m.
My apologies, goat master. May the Springjack Pasture be with you.
ChiefBell says... #1
I think the case of thoughtseize against aggro and tempo decks is really interesting. Im of the opinion that it's still decent. I can understand why you would argue it's not.
February 12, 2015 9:20 a.m.