Favorite deck in modern that stands the test of time?
Modern forum
Posted on Nov. 3, 2017, 2 p.m. by dpac
I'm kind of new to modern, I had some cards I acquired from over the years which helped me get into some decks, but I haven't found a deck I have a decent success and feel like really perfect it over time.
Lately I've played Jeskai Delver, Jeskai control, UW control and Grixis shadow.
I haven't had much success with any of the decks, I didn't manage to get much practice with them and have been hopping way to much between decks (I know).
So now I'm trying to make a decision and really focus on a deck and play it for a few years really.
I watched a lot of streams a few yeas ago and always thought my deck was either jund or a jeskai control deck.But jund really hasn't been on it's top game lately and I honestly don't know if it's worth investing into. Also it's cheaper than it's been in a while, but it's still expensive, I have some pieces but am missing the most expensive ones.
Jeskai on the other hand, is getting some more attention now, but from what I've observed over the years, that really is always changing...
Basically I want a deck that is consistent, worth getting into and learning it, and competitive, preferably no terribly hard to learn to play too...
Me and my friend are finishing eldrazi tron (we are dividing the cards costs), so I have that option too.He has a boros burn deck, which we will be switching between each other (burn and eldrazi)
I know this is ultimately my decision but I'd appreciate your input.
Thanks in advance!
I personally like Mill and 8 Rack. They might not be tier 1, but your opponent's road to victory is usually pretty rocky.
November 3, 2017 2:09 p.m.
Aren't those very uninteractive thought? I enjoy more interactive decks.
November 3, 2017 2:18 p.m.
From what I hear, the great thing about Modern is that you can pick a deck and expect to play it to at least moderate success if 1) you're good at the deck and 2) it doesn't get banned.
I think any of those choices are good except perhaps Shadow. I don't think it's too strong for the meta, but Wizards is aware that Death's Shadow breaks the game fundamentally--the more you're winning, the more you're losing?--and might be eyeing it.
Between them all, burn and Tron seem like better bets than either Jund or Jeskai control, mostly because linear decks don't take much tuning for new metas. But most importantly, pick a deck you really like to play, because deck skill and knowledge is paramount!
November 3, 2017 2:20 p.m.
GeminiSpartanX says... #6
Since you already have Grixis Shadow and Jeskai control, you should already have the most expensive pieces of UR Gifts Storm (fetchlands, remands, serum visions). The deck is very consistent, and is overall inexpensive to build compared to other modern decks. It is somewhat difficult to master, but not so difficult to learn enough to start winning.
Another option is Infect. Many people say it's dead since the banning of Gitaxian Probe, but it's honestly just as fast as it used to be, just a little less safe since you don't have as much access to what's in your opponent's hand. It's been popping up more recently since it has a good matchup against non-interactive decks that are becoming more common. It's very straightforward and easy to learn, but if you don't have Noble Hierarchs it could be pretty pricy for you to get.
Honestly it sounds like the deck you want to get might as well be Jund/Abzan. It's cheaper now than its been in the past, and has game against any deck in the format. Between the Eldrazi Tron you and your friend are building and Jund/Abzan and your already-built Death's Shadow, you just need to get the reps in and learn some of the intricacies to any of them to start appreciating them more. Most of the decks you listed really do require an investment in time to learn how to pilot them well. Just stick with one that you think you'll like and you'll do fine.
November 3, 2017 2:36 p.m.
APPLE01DOJ says... #7
I've been playing BG Rock for a few years now and quite enjoy it. Even though it's time in the spotlight (Deathrite Shaman legal modern) has passed it is still quite a fun deck I have a lot of success with. In addition it can easily convert into Jund, Junk, Sultia, MBD, or 8Rack with very little additional investment.
November 3, 2017 2:40 p.m.
Burn/RDW has my vote for being competitive and user friendly .... If staying mono red the price tag is not too outrageous...there are competitive staples like Goblin Guide which have budget alternatives Spark Elemental/Monastery Swiftspear that really do the job.... RDW/Burn also has excellent SB cards like Blood Moon (which recently got more affordable) that really shuts down decks leaning too hard on those fancy mana bases... There is plenty of anti burn tech out there but the combo of Leyline of Punishment and Skullcrack can be enough to overcome and stay relevant.
November 3, 2017 2:41 p.m.
Me and my friend are thinking about alternating between boros burn and eldrazi tron.I think I'll enjoy eldrazi since it's interactive enough.
Yes I'm more inclined to jund, but it's quit the investment. I could build storm pretty cheap to but is it fun to play? Most of the times it looks like you're just playing alone. No?
As for merfolks, my friend has that deck and I could try it one as well.
Oh and I sold the death shadows and street wraith, but I admit I needed way more reps with the deck. And I can always buy those pieces again.The thing is my meta is very prevalent with burn. And I really need a deck that beats burn.I forgot to mention that but that is very important in the decision.
Out of those mentioned which had a better game versus burn?Junk?
November 3, 2017 2:57 p.m.
APPLE01DOJ says... #10
Abzan can be built to be great against Burn. Kitchen Finks, Siege Rhino are both very worthy MB inclusions.
November 3, 2017 3:29 p.m.
Abzan is generally the stronger of the decks against Burn, as APPLE01DOJ noted. Finks is a beating, Rhino is a beating, and you don't have the risky aspect of a Dark Confidant hacking away at your life total.
November 3, 2017 4:07 p.m.
GeminiSpartanX says... #12
Storm isn't great against burn since Eidolon of the Great Revel just hoses you. Abzan is awesome against burn like what was mentioned above.
November 3, 2017 4:13 p.m.
Eldrazi tron is usually great against it as well, if you prefer it to Abzan.
November 3, 2017 4:51 p.m.
I think I'll go for eldrazi, hopefully it won't get any bans and will stay competitive for a few years at least.
Too bad Delver isn't that good in modern, I really like that one!
November 3, 2017 6:11 p.m.
SoggyGecko says... #15
Affinity? Kinda surprised it hasn't come up yet. Always a solid, consistent choice, and has always been tier 1.
As a side plug, I suggest Blue Moon, but that is my favorite deck, so slight bias there. It has a lot of potential, and is quite customizable still.
November 3, 2017 6:32 p.m. Edited.
it isn't a tier 1 deck, but U tron is a fun deck. Also as some others have said burn never seems to go away.
November 6, 2017 8:46 a.m.
Johnthomis says... #18
You can consistantly beat a tier 1 deck without one. Point and case, any homebrew cant be classified as a tier 1. I have a mono white tokens homebrew that i use frequently that kicks butt at fnm and consistantly beats the tier 1 decks run there. I beat boros burn and eldrazi tron back to back one day beat deaths shadows and affininty on other occasions as well. I lose of course at times, but nothing satisfies me more than beating a competative net deck with something i pieced together at home. Not all my deck ideas are winners but i have 4 or 5 decks that i can guarantee to do well with any time i go play competitive modern. And on the bright side, no one is ever fully prepared for homebrews.
The important thing is that you have a deck that you enjoy playing.
November 8, 2017 5:08 p.m.
DeletedNow4ever says... #19
I like decks that have a strong game 1 vs almost everything else. Winning game 1 is a huge advantage. That being said, Id look to decks like Burn, Affinity, and Dredge. I Play Dredge since Im not a huge fan of the other 2, but all 3 are great in game 1s. You cant go wrong with these deck choices. Then again, its Modern...you really cant go wrong with most deck choices.
rothgar13 says... #2
Merfolk. Merfolk never goes away, and it rarely changes (especially now that the bar for a creature to be good enough to make the deck is so high). I highly recommend it - I'm 3+ years in, and still playing it. :)
November 3, 2017 2:04 p.m.