Favorite Rogue deck
Modern forum
Posted on April 6, 2014, 1:59 p.m. by Wizard of the Damned
We all see the occasional rogue deck appear in tournaments. What's the favorite? I love to see a UB mill list make top 8
There's just something about the Amulet of Vigor decks combo kill with Hive Mind and some pact spell that I always find amusing.
April 6, 2014 2:23 p.m.
The UB mill list does well sometimes but it's a very bad deck and it's way too slow :/Ad Nauseam is a rogue deck that got popular and started doing pretty well recently.
April 6, 2014 2:30 p.m.
vampirelazarus says... #5
Seriously, token generation. One creature in deck (Emrakul, the Aeons Torn ), and go to town.
April 6, 2014 3:20 p.m.
Wizard of the Damned says... #6
UB Mill can be bad, but I've played it quite effectively. Even against pod, twin, and affinity so no deck Is just bad when built right
April 6, 2014 3:50 p.m.
Theres a good build for it that does well sometimes but the deck just isn't fast enough to win games against the fast decks.
April 6, 2014 3:56 p.m.
Lol it's not really to each their own though, the deck just consistently does poorly in events when it's played :x
April 6, 2014 7:42 p.m.
VampireArmy says... #11
Currently my two favorite rogue decks (as in not one of the proven time and time gin decks) are Big Skred Red and Boros Sou;l Sisters Feat. Norin
April 8, 2014 1:29 p.m.
mr Polymorph , why token gen when you can Dryad Arbor ? :)
Matsi883 says... #2
I like my Weirdstorm (but it hasn't made any T8s or even Dailies yet).
April 6, 2014 2:03 p.m.