Finding a new deck

Modern forum

Posted on Dec. 19, 2015, 1:29 a.m. by Servo_Token

Hey guys,

So i've got a bit of a problem. At the moment, I have two completely finished modern decks that if a tournament were to happen tomorrow I'd be comfortable playing, and those decks are Skred and URw Twin (Splashing white for sideboard stuff). This sounds like a great situation, i've got a tier one deck and a tier two deck to mess around with, however I freaking hate playing twin. The deck is so durdley and stupid, you're just digging for the combo every game and if you can't then you just burn them out, and that to me is like the most boring thing. It's nice to not have to play past turn 6 most games, but really I just hate the splinter twin deck.

So on to the point, I am looking to build a new tier one (or on a similar power / dependability level) deck to build. Trade away twin and get this new deck. I have the trade value to get literally deck in the format, so budget isn't a concern. I'm basically just looking for some direction as to what deck could be a fun deck that I could also stand the chance of taking down a tournament with.

Now, the reason that i'm having trouble with this, I have an arbitrary rule in my playgroup that no two people can play the same deck, so this excludes a couple of options. Scapeshift, Infect, Elves, U Tron, RG Tron, Feux Pod and Affinity are all out because they are played by other members of the testing group.

So some things about my play style: I am a red mage at heart who also likes to tinker (Think Goblin Welder), so my favorite things to be doing are to get games over with fast, Jam huge threats, or establish locks (Which is why I play Skred). I can't stand the card Remand or Serum Visions, they're just not what I want to be doing in the format. I have tried decks like Living end and burn, but i'm not really a fan of either of them either. This in mind, what would you guys suggest as a deck to try out?

Lastly, I don't want to play a deck that's completely weak to a ban. I got Pod banned out from under me and I won't let that happen again, which basically just eliminates Goryo and Bloom titan. I like the bloom titan deck but my scar from losing pod is too big, I can't do that again...

If this belongs in the deck help forum, sorry in advance.

Anyway, thanks for the help!

MADMatt7777 says... #2

Have you considered Zoo? There are so many variations that there will always be a Zoo deck to fit every kind of player.

December 19, 2015 1:37 a.m.

Servo_Token says... #3


Zoo is kind of meh to me. I have a friend who's putting it together, so I'd get his readings on it before taking it out myself. I do enjoy a good Loxodon Smiter, but the rest of the deck isn't very appealing.

December 19, 2015 1:41 a.m.

Sk0oMa says... #4

Hey man! For starters, it's hard to find a tier 1 on the same level as twin besides I'd start there since you say budget isn't an's what I'd do if I wasn't broke as hell lol. Other than that, you can also go with Grixis Midrange(which is what I play). I can give you fun and competetive lists to play as well, but I wouldn't call them Tier 1...

I'd be happy to trade with you though if I have anything you need! Thanks again for the upgrade!

December 19, 2015 1:44 a.m.

Matt_The_OGRE says... #5

Tron eggs is an awesome deck, that can win out of nowhere starting turn 3. I have been playing it for a while now and can say that the only deck I have trouble against is burn, mainly because of Eidolon of the Great Revel.

December 19, 2015 2:55 a.m.

X_Durko_X says... #6

Bant Hexproof/Bogles? Not exactly tier 1 but pretty fun, beats face fast. Not as many people have or know how to board for them properly compared to twin, or tron, or affinity etc. etc.

December 19, 2015 3:53 a.m.

square711 says... #7

Build Jund. It's tier 1, it's red, none of your friends play it and I don't think there's anything in it that might get banned now that Deathrite Shaman and Bloodbraid Elf are out of the way. You may have to put in a few hundred dollars more because it's more expensive than Jeskai Twin and has a completely different mana base, but otherwise it just fits your description perfectly.

December 19, 2015 7:33 a.m.

Servo_Token says... #8


I was kind of afraid of that. I didn't want to play jund for fear of becoming 'that guy', but it might just be the plan. Is Ajundi still a thing? Because I like taking a less than traditional approach to decks as well.

December 19, 2015 9:35 a.m.

pumpkinwavy says... #9

I don't think Ajundi is still a thing because with a white splash you'd rather just play Siege Rhino than ajani. You still could play four colour non-blue deck, but I doubt Ajani would be a part of it, and i don't think the payoff is there for the worse, more painful manabase because jund and abzan are already each so powerful on their own they don't need anther colour.

It seems to me like you want to play a red, non-blue deck, which really leaves just jund.

December 19, 2015 11:23 a.m.

The problem with you and Jund is that Jund is a midrange deck, so almost all of your games will go past turn 6.

The tier 1 decks in the format are Burn, Affinity, Junk, Jund, Zoo, Tron, and Twin. Possibly Grixis control, Infect, and Merfolk as well, but they're not quite there I don't think. Your playgroup reduces that list to Burn, Junk, Jund, Zoo, Grixis control and Merfolk. Grixis control runs both Serum Visions and Remand, so that's out. You also say you don't like to play burn because, well, who does? So your options are Junk, Jund, Zoo, and Merfolk. Like I said, Junk and Jund will go well past turn 6 very regularly, although they are, in my opinion, some of the most fun decks to play in the format. The longer games are very worthwhile and some of the best magic available in my opinion, but if you don't want long games then I'd avoid Junk and Jund. So all that's left is Zoo and Merfolk.

With your interests, I'd honestly take another look at Zoo. Zoo isn't quite established tier 1 these days, but it's getting very close and won GP Porto Alegre this past November. It has Lightning Bolt, wins reasonably fast, and is not boring like Burn. You can make some pretty big creatures through Elspeth, Knight-Errant, Scavenging Ooze, and Tarmogoyf. It's consistent, fair, and tons of fun to play. Merfolk is not red, but it also doesn't run Remand or Serum Visions. Personally I just think Zoo is better and more fun.

December 19, 2015 11:44 a.m.

FalkensteinAZ says... #11

Hatebears? Or maybe Valakut? Not sure if that dodges the 1 player per deck rule, but you get Scapeshift less all the blue. Good luck!

December 19, 2015 11:48 a.m.

Dalektable says... #12

Honestly Jund or Abzan is your best bet. I personally prefer the playstyle of Abzan, but thats just me. Jund is tier one definitively, and Abzan has fallen out of favor but I'd say is solidly tier 2 minimum and possibly tier 1.5 or 1. But you like red, so Jund seems like a good option. If you feel like brewing an unsolved archetype, I really think Mardu midrange/control has some real potential. But as far as tier one lists go, Jund man.

December 19, 2015 12:13 p.m.

arcdevil says... #13


on a sidenote, I just want to comment that perhaps you should look for a new playgrup, and most definetly, new friends. the ones you have now sound mighty stupid.

"no, no, you cant buy a deck you like because there's already one"...excuse me, but WTF??? if they are going to dictate what decks you can and cant play, they better BUY it for you. otherwise, fuck them...

if they just want to have diversity for playtesting, tell them that proxies are a thing.

December 23, 2015 7:24 a.m.

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