Genesis wave - buy or bust?
Modern forum
Posted on Dec. 7, 2015, 9:03 p.m. by demonicgrizzly
I have an opportunity to get my hands on a playset of Genesis Wave. Cards like this are hard to come by around me. I want to run in it my green devotion deck, probably replacing Genesis Hydra.
Should I do it? Do I need the playset? Is the playset worth it?
demonicgrizzly says... #3
I don't really care too much about value. I only play casual magic, with the rare exception of local modern tournaments that don't cost me anything
I'm also kind of a Timmy power gamer
December 7, 2015 9:10 p.m.
pumpkinwavy says... #4
Genesis Wave is the key card in a viable modern deck, and the decks that want it want the full four. Possibly the most powerful thing you can be doing in green, but it needs to be built around for maximum value. Cards like Eternal Witness and Craterhoof Behemoth work really well with Genesis Wave. If you're not as interested in competitive play, well, it's still a great, fun card. I'd say do it, but for it to work you need to make bigger changes to your deck.
December 7, 2015 9:16 p.m.
I like Genesis Wave with Rampaging Baloths, stack the ballots first and watch the tokens fly into the field with landfall triggers.Primeval Titan works good with the card as well,Omnath, Locus of Rage too
December 7, 2015 10:06 p.m.
Programmer_112 says... #6
@pumpkinwavy: I wouldn't call the Genesis Wave deck "viable." Playable, maybe, but it's not a tournament-ready archetype.
December 7, 2015 10:09 p.m.
demonicgrizzly says... #7
Programmer_112 the deck it is goin in is a quicksilver amulet ramp deck that pops out fatties with high devotion on turn 4 and uses nykthos plus karametras acolyte to make a ton of mana. It's not tournament playable but like I said, I'm a casual player primarily. The deck though is one of the more difficult decks to beat in my local playgroup and even got me a 2nd place finish at a tournament.mainly because of the amulet I can get out emrakul t4
I keep debating if I want to try it in an amulet bloom build, seems like it could do some incredibly broken things.
December 7, 2015 10:20 p.m.
Programmer_112 says... #8
I don't think it's good in Amulet. You would need to cast it for 9 mana to do anything relevant, and the deck really has a hard time getting above 6. 7 is sometimes doable, but 9 isn't going to happen.
It does sound great in your deck, though. Genesis Wave is exactly what that kind of deck wants to be doing. The card isn't that expensive, and the only thing that I can think of that might impact its price is some spike following a breakout performance, so it's not really going to go down. I would say go for it.
December 7, 2015 10:34 p.m.
pumpkinwavy says... #9
Programmer_112 You'd be surprised. A mix of explosiveness, resiliency and ferocious power make it not something to be trifled with. It can interact with primal command, has insane inevitability, goes far over the top of tron, and can dump most of it's hand by turn 2, with the power of Arbor Elf + Utopia Sprawl and Garruk Wildspeaker. Now this is different from what the OP was asking about, but just saying that you can and will win games with a Genesis Wave deck.
December 7, 2015 10:34 p.m.
I use 4x Genesis Wave in a casual elf ramp deck and they work really really well so I'd get them.
December 7, 2015 10:34 p.m.
Yeah, I was running in elvish ramp as well. Super fun
(Shameful plug Gaia's Revenge (Khans))
December 7, 2015 10:49 p.m.
I actually ran temur colors and used Temur Ascendancy to trigger haste on all the fatties that ETB off Genesis Wave(Bonus of refilling your hand while you do it) while having an alternate win-con (The usual win-con actually as it's pretty sneaky) of Primeval Titan + Kessig Wolf Run
December 7, 2015 10:52 p.m. Edited.
demonicgrizzly says... #13
Here's the deck it is going into:
3 Elvish Mystic2 Atarka's Command2 Dragonlord Atarka4 Hydra Broodmaster4 Genesis Hydra4 Gaea's Revenge4 Sylvan Caryatid4 Courser of Kruphix2 Ulamog, the Ceaseless Hunger1 Ugin, the Spirit Dragon1 Emrakul, the Aeons Torn4 Quicksilver Amulet4 Karametra's AcolyteAnd some mixture of lands, including nykthos, kessig wolf run, and boseiju.
To give you an idea of where I am headed. Obviously room to breathe.
December 7, 2015 11:02 p.m.
SoggyGecko says... #14
The way that I usually give my guys haste through Genesis Wave is using a Akroma's Memorial. That card is pretty much overkill when it hits.
December 7, 2015 11:15 p.m.
@GabeCubed I wanted to run that, but at the time I didn't have the means to get any, and that was right around the time Khans dropped, so I saw Temur Ascendancy and grabbed a couple, It really performed with the draw advantage you get with all the big players that hit the board. It escalates more with the aforementioned Rampaging Baloths//Omnath, Locus of Rage with the ability to manipulate the stack and how things ETB.
December 7, 2015 11:29 p.m. Edited.
SoggyGecko says... #16
@Caligula Oh, that makes sense. And Omnath, Locus of Rage is just such a beast.. and that is definitely interesting with the Temur Ascendancy. I did see that really sweet combo deck from last standard with it, and I thought that was cool, but it would be fun to brew with more in Modern.
December 7, 2015 11:50 p.m. Edited.
It is strictly worse than Tooth and Nail in a variety of cases due to how unpredictable it is.
December 8, 2015 5:44 a.m.
Particularly if you want to play emrakul. Reach 17 mana to cast a genesis wave where X=15 is a lot harder than reaching 9 mana for a Tooth and Nail.
December 8, 2015 5:45 a.m.
demonicgrizzly says... #19
I don't need to hard cast anything because I have quicksilver amulet. Also, you'd be surprised how much mana I can make with a nykthos out and an acolyte or two.
And again, this is for casual fun, not competitive. Plus in a deck that only runs two cards that aren't permanents, it will hit planty of things, even if I can only pop it off for 9.
tooth and nail is a great card, and I may even run both. I haven't decided yet.
December 8, 2015 7:15 a.m.
OOOh. If you only run two non-permanents be careful you dont kill yourself.
December 8, 2015 7:24 a.m.
UrbanAnathema says... #21
I actually run it as my key enabler in my walls deck and it has been doing extremely well.
DrFunk27 says... #2
I wouldn't play more than 2 in a green ramp deck. It's a great card that has a lot of casual appeal. It's a good reprint target for yearly commander sets though, so I would be cautious and not expect it to retain much value.
December 7, 2015 9:06 p.m.