GPT Richmond help

Modern forum

Posted on Jan. 5, 2014, 10:28 a.m. by gnarlicide

Okay, I have a few weeks until my shop hosts a GPT for GP Richmond. The format is modern, as some of you may know, and I have a couple decks that I would like to play.

I have a dredgevine deck in Jund colors. This deck is solid, and has gotten me a few visits to the finals at my shop. It loses in the finals to RG tron really hard. That guy is a regular, so I can expect to see him there. The only thing I have not SB is Sowing Salt , but then that would make the game really awkward from that point on.

The second deck is a BW confidant dead guy ale type deck. I have not officially played with it yet, but it tests really well. Once again, it loses to tron often enough for me to notice.

If anyone has any insight to what I should sleeve up for this GPT, it would be much appreciated. Even if you guys come up with a better alternative. For reference on my current deck lists, just check my page... The forum rules says no deck list, and the dude abides.

The Vengevine deck, to me, looks a little stronger. The only problem I foresee is that plenty of people have SB GY hate, and Tron even MB's Relic of Progenitus sometimes. Playing the Vengevine does give you access to Sowing Salt , but you could also try to fit in Tectonic Edge s, Fulminator Mage s, or Blood Moon if Tron is that horrible of a match-up for you. Not to mention those options also punish people with greedy mana bases, not just Tron players.

January 5, 2014 12:35 p.m.

I personally like the confidant deadguy list. It looks strong and people won't be prepared to deal with it. And some MB Tectonic Edge would help improve your tron match-up. People are prepared to deal with grave based decks though, and using the Deadguy list would catch people off guard. Good luck!

January 5, 2014 1:27 p.m.

gnarlicide says... #4

Yeah, the dead guy list doesn't rely on the yard for anything. It's just rogue enough to blow people's minds.

January 5, 2014 1:42 p.m.

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