Help building Twiddle Storm

Modern forum

Posted on June 9, 2020, 1:08 p.m. by Lowenstein

Every time I have left Magic for a time and come back the deck I previously played had an essential card banned from it... sigh XD first Infect and now Hollow One.

Anyways, I’ve seen some fun jankiness with this Twiddle Storm deck that uses Lotus Field. It’s pretty cheap and I’m pretty interested, but I’ve seen a few different build of it and I’d like some options.

I’ve seen:

  1. Mono U - it looks like this one just pumps extra canarios to combo off, avoiding needing to use the graveyard.

  2. UR - this one splashed red for Past in Flames to utilize the graveyard and some sb help.

  3. Grixis - A black splash for Wishclaw Talisman to fish out the combo more easily.

  4. Green splash - for Sylvan Scrying

Opinions? Ups and downs? Is there a best one? Or is there stuff I don’t know? Like I said I’m just getting back into it. Thanks in advance!

SynergyBuild says... #2

Go for the Temur ones, they use Past in Flames and Sylvan Scrying, but temur has a great manabase, with one triome, and a really good sideboard tech of Nature's Claim for Damping Sphere/Rest in Peace as well as Veil of Summer to protect your combo turns!

Red giving access to Aria of Flame and Grapeshot is also vitally important wincons, as mono-blue just lacks any good outlets. Playing with Temur lets you abuse Ancient Grudge too!

the above list is just the first result, test things out as you please!

June 9, 2020 1:57 p.m.

Lowenstein says... #3

SynergyBuild thanks for your help! Do you have any thoughts on Wishclaw Talisman in comparison to Sylvan Scrying? I only ask because I’ve found the Talisman to be helpful in testing because you can Twiddle it and use it more than once to tutor other pieces. Or maybe the Temur version helps through more cantrips. Idk. Thoughts?

June 9, 2020 2:18 p.m.

SynergyBuild says... #4

Definently powerful, but while setting up, in a slower start, a scrying before you go off it not only cheaper than Talisman+tap, but doesn't give the opponent a chance to fetch their sideboard tech at an inopportune time. Also, black doesn't have the same good sideboard tech like Veil that Green has, so I'd go with green, but there are really good arguements for grixis variants on the deck!

June 9, 2020 2:59 p.m.

wolfhead says... #5

personally i play Expedition Map over scrying,

but i agree 100%, veil is the strongest sideboard the deck has and temur is probably the best build.

but i've been noticing past in flames is pretty close to a win-more card as i usually can keep going off without it. i really just use it to speed up the combo turn.

maybe a UG/simic build could work?

i guess you'd just need a new win-con. a singleton Manamorphose and Grapeshot? if you're really heartless, Thassa's Oracle?

besides the scrappiest "grapeshot-for-exact'sies" games, the combo usually generates crazy mana...maybe enough for Blue Sun's Zenith?

June 10, 2020 2:07 a.m.

Flooremoji says... #6

There is also Underworld Breach as a option for the graveyard recursion engine.

It's cheaper but you probably end up not casting as many spells with it.

wolfhead: Why in the world would you play Map over scrying? The biggest disadvantage is that it costs green mana, which isn't very significant. Map takes up your first turn so you can't cantrip, leave up veil, or play a tapped land and can be destroyed/shut down with artifact hate.

June 10, 2020 3:29 p.m.

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