How about Tron?
Modern forum
Posted on May 4, 2015, 2 p.m. by jpeachesd
So I'm thinking about what modern deck to build, and I think G/R Tron would be cool to mess around with. The problem I have is I feel like most of the cards I couldn't purpose if I decided I didn't like the deck. What are your thoughts? Is the deck fun? Does it get dry after some time, or is it something I can pick up after playing another deck and enjoy again? I realize Tron isn't exactly Top 8 material at the moment, But I just want to have fun with it. Thanks!
ducttapedeckbox says... #3
I'd wait to see if any more of the deck is spoiled in MM15 to see about prices, but you can look at it two ways. The first is that you could trade/buy the cards and if you don't like the deck, most of them are easily traded off for something else. The other way is to start off with a cheaper Tron deck. UTron is somewhat viable and a lot of fun if you enjoy playing control. They're very different decks, but one is also much cheaper (and slightly less competitive).
May 4, 2015 2:12 p.m.
My experience with R/G Tron has been generally pretty good. It FEELS powerful - ramping into big spells is one of the better feelings of Magic. It runs into a pair of problems. First, games get a little repetitive; you search and cast Pyroclasm until you can slam a Karn, Wurmcoil Engine, or Emrakul - games don't really move from that plan. Additionally, the deck is a little fragile - mana denial is far more powerful against Tron, and though it can search quite a bit, you spend a few games playing catch-up until you get killed. But, if you like how it feels when it works, it'll be a pretty fun experience every time.
If you're looking for more resilience, or a more adaptable battle-plan, U-Tron or WU-Tron can provide a more varied experience. I also saw a pretty cool toolbox list that was UG-Tron - it used the same tactics as RG-Tron, except it used Treasure Mage to fetch utilitious artifact creatures (Sundering Titan, Platinum Angel, etc.). There's a lot of ways you can take Tron. Overall, I recommend it.
May 4, 2015 2:13 p.m.
Tron is a meta choice designed to beat Jund and BG rock decks, with a good game versus UWR Control, Collected Company Melira (formerly birthing pod) and Junk.
Versus combo such as Scapeshift or Twin it is pitiful.
So basically it is a meta call for you. Do you have lots of Jund/BG Rock decks? Are you fine having a 50/50 or slightly unfavorable match up versus the UWR/Collected/Junk decks and just losing to combo?
May 4, 2015 2:43 p.m.
Tron: Legacy... just kidding, Modern Playtest
SCORE: 97 | 49 COMMENTS | 31682 VIEWSBeen playing Tron for over 2 years. This build works pretty well, usually does 2-1 or 3-0 at tournaments. It's very fun.
May 4, 2015 2:44 p.m.
LeaPlath, It's not that bad against Twin because of running 2-3 Spellskites and 4 Rending Volley, it actually does decent. It's worst matchup is Red Deck Wins which is very prevalent right now, followed closely by Infect.
May 4, 2015 2:45 p.m.
Vishnarg, you are still pretty much auto losing game 1 and they have access to remand and the power/toughness switching cantrip.
Remand versus tron basically says "Time Walk target player. Draw a card"
May 4, 2015 4:53 p.m.
It's not an auto loss by any means. I understand the power of Remand but they won't always have it, and Oblivion Stone is a great utility to wipe out the combo at instant speed.
May 4, 2015 6:47 p.m.
Against combo decks you are just slower. They have counterspells, twin has mana denial, they have a faster clock. They don't care about your wurmcoils. They don't care about Emmy. Remand, early mana leaks and Cryptic Command makes the match up so unfavourable as to be an auto loss.
Tron is great when mana advantage is leveraged against other midrange decks or against control decks.
Against Jund/BG rock, their removal will still leave you with creatures that kill Lili and trade with goyf.
Against collected company, they care about Wurmcoil and you have fire spout.
Versus control, you can keep forcing things and them drop an Emmy, and their collonade beat down plan can't keep up.
Against Junk, they have Path to Exile but that is only 4 main deck answers in their 60. As opposed to twins 10-20 cards that screw tron over.
May 5, 2015 5:57 a.m.
Crayonmuffin says... #11
As an avid UW Tron player I can whole hardheartedly recommend it if you enjoy control. A lot of it is draw-go style DEPENDING ON MATCH UP. Game 1 is usually a gamble for me(local meta) but game two there's always something in SB I can bring in. You'd be surprised how much 2-3 Ghostly Prisons on the table will shut down all the aggro that's running around.
Eliiiiiiiiiiiiiiza says... #2
Tron is totally viable right now. It may not be top-8'ing around the world, but the deck is very fun and can be very explosive. I'm talking, like, turn 5 Emrakul, the Aeons Torn explosive.
May 4, 2015 2:09 p.m.