How accurate is the modern metagame on mtggoldfish?
Modern forum
Posted on March 29, 2015, 2:51 a.m. by kintighd
I'm preparing for states coming up soon, so I thought I'd take a look at the metagame to see what i should prepare for. The top decks were what i expected, but i saw some interesting deck a little lower on the list. According to mtggoldfish Jund makes up 2.28% of the meta, Jeskai Control makes up 2.28% of the meta, Esper mentor makes up 1.83% of the meta, Dredgevine makes up 1.6% of the meta, and Ad Nauseam makes up 1.14% of the meta.
I found this interesting because some of these are decks i thought were dead, and it is interesting to see a Control deck in the meta, albeit only 2% of the meta. Do you guys think these are an accurate representation of the tier 2 decks of the format? And do you think any of these decks may gain in popularity of the next couple of months?
lemmingllama says... #3
These decks still exist, it's mainly that not a large number of people actually play them regularly. There will always be some people playing jank decks or decks that used to be tier 1 then dropped down.
Jund is still pretty competitive, it's tier 1.5 currently.
Jeskai Control is probably tier 2, it can be strong but also can horribly lose games.
Esper Mentor is also tier 2, it's been seeing some popularity gain but still not the most exciting of decks.
Dredgevine is tier 2.5, and it isn't going anywhere. People were testing it with Golgari Grave-Troll, and it isn't enough to push the deck over the edge.
Ad Nauseam is tier 2.5, and I don't see it's numbers going anywhere. People don't really play a lot of it since it isn't as good as safer combo decks.
March 29, 2015 8:48 a.m.
JexInfinite says... #4
Dredgevine is just not that great against anything, really.
Ad Nauseam is an inferior combo deck to everything else, and llama pointed out.
The same few people will always play control.
These decks will not become more popular.
Esper Mentor is not particularly strong as a deck, it just has some individually good cards.
Reid Duke has been advocating Jund recently, so that might become a bit more popular.
JexInfinite says... #2
Jund is a BGx deck, so is technically tier 1/1.5. Control is also 1.5, because people aren't playing it, rather than it not being good.
It's probably an accurate representation of how often those decks are played.
March 29, 2015 3:09 a.m.