How does your deck modernise modern?
Modern forum
Posted on Feb. 10, 2015, 8:14 a.m. by tyforthevenom
Same as my legacy thread
Why couldn't you write the actual text instead of saying "same as"? I mean, not everyone reads the legacy section... Copy paste from there so that others don't have to go to search it:
"What's your favourite legacy deck, why do you like it? What's it's strengths and weaknesses? And finally how have you put your own touch on the list?" - tyforthevenom
February 10, 2015 8:19 a.m.
tyforthevenom says... #4
Coz I'm at work and I made the thread on a 30 second time limit
February 10, 2015 8:25 a.m.
branston567 says... #5
I run UW tron, only rather than running the Gifts Ungiven package i run Sphinx's Revelation i like it because i got into magic just before Theors come out and i fell in love with the UW(B) control lists that were running around at the time. I therfore decided that i wanted to run itin modern upon RTR's rotation. The list i have developed is fairing me pretty well so far but still has some way to come to be a finished piece. Its strength is that rather than folding to the aggro decks like the other UW Tron decks do (*and with Affinity in the field thats a real problem) i am able to land a turn 3 Supreme Verdict off an Azorius Signet and turn 4 Sphinx's Revelation for 6 (urza tron, Hallowed Fountain and Azorius Signet) to bring myself back into it. The deck is a little inconsistent something i hope to sort out with my latest twist on it adding in more counters and some Thirst for Knowledge for the extra card draw. I feel the deck has a chance to be competetive but needs polishing off first.
February 10, 2015 8:31 a.m.
Its zoo with my favorite card added- Burning-Tree Emissary. By far my favorite deck. Its explosive and its pretty hard to hate- Chalice of the Void can ruin my day as can Anger of the Gods but usually it doesn't happen as few sideboard slots are dedicated to those.
February 10, 2015 8:35 a.m.
I run BG/x variants. I enjoy playing it because it's a challenging deck, that actively encourages decision making, and plays games out differently each time. Sometimes you want to be a control deck, sometimes you want to be an aggro deck. An early Abrupt Decay is often crucial against things like Merfolk, for example. Whereas against Infect you may want Tarmogoyf and his fat ass to be present on T2/T3. Each game brings its own challenges and that's fun for me. I dislike playing decks like burn, for example, that have a linear decision making path; I actively like to be challenged.
My particular version runs Garruk Relentless Flip as an attrition engine against creature decks. I know that pod is banned now, but previously I used to just spit out tokens with him every turn so that decks such as Zoo, Pod, Affinity etc couldn't get any damage in with their creatures. I think he adds another layer of attrition because he really forces the opponent to go for the long game, which I enjoy. I may cut him now if the meta does lean towards decks like Twin, Scapeshift, Tron and others, because against these matchups chump blockers are not needed. On the other hand, he's amazing in the mirror match because he stops Tarmogoyf and Siege Rhino in its tracks. We shall see what the future brings.
I feel that BG/x is well placed in the current meta because it has a very wide card pool, and many different deck sub strategies. BGW focuses on life gain and midrange with Siege Rhino and the occasional Kitchen Finks. Some BG strategies splash in Fulminator Mage for a land destruction package. My particular deck is a bit heavier on control aspects such as Maelstrom Pulse. It's an endlessly variable deck where individual decision making is key; tailoring your deck to the current meta is crucial for BG/x. Some people may want Obstinate Baloth in the main board if their local shop is heavy on aggro. Others may want more creatures if their local meta is a bit slower. Most recently I have had to decide whether to keep or cut Dark Confidant. My personal view was to keep him because he plays an essential role in the mirror match - allowing you to pull ahead with superior card advantage. However against burn he's a dead draw. There are always tweaks to be made.
You can find my deck here:
Mean Girls Playtest
SCORE: 73 | 42 COMMENTS | 7348 VIEWSFebruary 10, 2015 11:08 a.m.
I run U-Tron. I'm fairly new to modern and I like decks that run control, force you to make smart mana management decisions and have some toolbox elements. So I found myself really loving U-Tron.
That said I can't claim that I modernised it very originally. I just saw Ugin and decided he'd be awesome in oblivion stone's slot. I won't go over the details here 'cause I've done so in the deck description as well as multiple forum threads.
There you have it. Here's the list: MetaTron
February 10, 2015 12:07 p.m.
Hjaltrohir says... #9
I run UWB Control as I am a control player to the grave and I love esper in control for its endless answers.
February 10, 2015 12:10 p.m.
Ohthenoises says... #10
I play a lot of modern decks.
Affinity I like because for an aggro deck it has so many lines of play. I tried it with Tezzeret, Agent of Bolas.
U Tron I like due to the amount of resilience. Ugin is awesome.
8 rack is fun because it's so challenging. It forces you to be VERY knowledgeable about the modern meta. 90% of playing 8 rack is knowing what you are playing against on turn 1 and being able to dismantle it, piece by piece.
About to start with Bloom Titan. Seems like so much fun.
February 10, 2015 12:32 p.m.
GlistenerAgent says... #11
February 10, 2015 4:13 p.m.
tyforthevenom says... #12
i play a huge list of decks i tweek them to my meta non stop to list them would be to write a rather large report
February 10, 2015 4:26 p.m.
I worship turbo fog. Literally the best deck to play with if the meta is very creature based. The deck can have essentially any win con you are into at the time. It's not very much fun when burn decks are running around, and when that happens I just move onto 8-rack... See a pattern >:D
February 10, 2015 4:56 p.m.
GlistenerAgent says... #14
February 10, 2015 5:09 p.m.
GlistenerAgent says... #16
Dangit Internet, why do you have to make friendly comments sound belligerent?
February 10, 2015 5:16 p.m.
Ah. That would be the whole text not conveying non-verbal or intonations thing.
Which leads into the infamous text message argument.
February 10, 2015 5:37 p.m.
JexInfinite says... #18
My deck is the best sort of meta call. It's not like hatebears where it's sometimes good, sometimes bad. My meta call works even when the meta is geared slightly against me, because I have synergy and good cards.
February 11, 2015 1:41 a.m.
tyforthevenom says... #19
GlistenerAgent I learn stupidly fast how to play, during a draft I ran a chaos modern side event where everyone put a modern deck into a pool and we picked at random, I landed with gifts storm and went 3-0
lemmingllama says... #2
Well, my deck uses a lot of pieces from Khans of Tarkir to improve an old tier 3 deck. It probably will never become a popular deck archetype, but I see it as a fun deck that people can use to get into Modern combo decks without spending a lot of money.
I also have the jankiest piece of garbage to ever cast Emrakul on turn 3...
February 10, 2015 8:17 a.m.