Modern forum
Posted on May 7, 2020, 10:53 a.m. by aaron_the_great
does it seem reasonable to run 1 or 2 in the mainboard it is a pet card
There have always been a small number of Ponza players who loved the card, especially as sideboard tech vs. Control and Burn. Personally though, even though I'm a HUGE werewolf fan and playtested it extensively in the deck, I was just never impressed. It just always seemed there were better things to do with four mana in those colors (e.g., Chandra, Torch of Defiance, Bloodbraid Elf, Questing Beast, Obstinate Baloth, Chameleon Colossus, or even Pia and Kiran Nalaar).
All that said though, Ponza is a GREAT deck for running pet cards, so don't hesitate to give it a try. You may find it's just perfect for your meta, playstyle, and the rest of your 75!
May 7, 2020 12:47 p.m.
aaron_the_great says... #4
ya but I always and still think Bloodbraid Elf is a main deck card and not sideboard
May 7, 2020 12:49 p.m.
Yeah, I totally agree with you on BBE. I wasn't sure if you were thinking about Huntmaster in your 60 or your 75, so I kind of covered both :-)
May 7, 2020 12:52 p.m.
aaron_the_great says... #6
oh I whould run a single huntmaster in the main and 1 or more in the side because its a pet card
shadow63 says... #2
It was played in jund for a few years but right now the metas just to fast for it to be effective
May 7, 2020 11:34 a.m.