I wanna play modern...
Modern forum
Posted on Aug. 25, 2014, 1:45 p.m. by TheRedDude
So, i wanna play modern, but i don't want to spend tons of money on a deck. Im also scared of things like Bob and the Goyf. I need some help.
Dont necessarily be afraid of expensive cards Bob just creates card advantage and goyf....well he smashes ur face in....anyway unless u like playing burn or aggro I wouldnt bother with "cheap" modern midrange dexks will be expensive and control probly will be too
August 25, 2014 1:54 p.m.
slovakattack says... #4
Pretty much everything save for burn/RDW is pretty expensive in Modern.
Affinity tends to be on the cheaper side, clocking in at 500-ish dollars.
August 25, 2014 1:56 p.m.
If you want to play at cheaper prices, Infect is also effective as a budget deck; it can be done with the smallest budget and still have consistency. Burn would be next because Goblin Guide decided to get more expensive.
Affinity without Mox Opal , GR Tron without Grove of the Burnwillows and Karn Liberated , and UW Tron without Celestial Colonnade and its fatties have a rather cheap base. These decks lose efficacy if built with a budget though. Soul Sisters might also fit the category but it needs full playsets Serra Ascendant and Ranger of Eos , etc. and cutting those would greatly weaken the deck.
August 25, 2014 2:13 p.m.
I recently scrapped myself a jund list together. It's essentially the Innistrad/M13/Ravnica Jund Midrange deck, with a few updates.
(Strangleroot Geist is a fine two-drop in place of goyf, ((or build around Quirion Dryad or Vinelasher Kudzu )) and Pain Seer is a budget bob.)
I don't expect these cards to win tournaments, but it's more than enough for FNMs, casual games or just to have fun.
Look into your collection, memory or some old pro-tour decks (maybe there are some standard or extended decks you like?)
If so, revive them for modern! (Example: Cut Cryptic Command and Gabriel Nassif's 5-color cruel control list can still hold up without much of an investment.)
August 25, 2014 3:24 p.m.
Cheap is sort of relative. Staying away from fetch-lands is smart. Sticking to one or two colors can SEVERELY cut down on cost.
Some popular, cheap (relatively speaking) are mono-blue merfolk (Mutavaults and Aether Vials are the most expensive part), RDW, Soul Sisters, and Living End.
Other decks are not naturally very cheap, but can be made budget at entry-level. U/R storm, Death and Taxes, R/G Tron are some good examples - if you buy cheaper, less consistent lands and stay away from the big-ticket cards (Karn Liberated, Tarmogoyf, Dark Confidant), most decks can be made budget-friendly very easily.
You can also PM me if you have specific questions - I'd be happy to make card suggestions and at least help you get started.
August 25, 2014 4:02 p.m.
Well, Goblin Guide is now 24 dollars. So burn is not really anymore budget....
Infect could be viable. Most expensive card is probaly Inkmoth Nexus ...
August 25, 2014 4:04 p.m.
This deck Storm and Eggs is fairly consistent, hard to interrupt as it can combo out as quick as turn 2 on averrage turn 3 which is still really fast and with an averge price of $175 or so it's pretty budget friendly.
I have played this at some smaller modern events(about 15 people or so) in my are several times and actually now have 2 people who just drop out when they see me there to play modern. It won't win you any friends but I have taken 1st quite a bit thanks to its consistency. I was majorly excited when I found this deck as I like playing formats that I don't have to re-get hundreds of dollars worth of cards everytime standard rotates. But like you said modern can be very expensive to get into. This was a great gateway deck for me. Good luck with the deck search.
August 25, 2014 4:18 p.m.
Dalektable says... #11
By building smartly, you can build a good deck on a budget for modern of any archetype. Of course, sticking to one or two colors helps a lot for the overall cost. If you want help building a budget deck for the format, I'm willing to help. What do you like to play?
August 25, 2014 5:39 p.m.
Servo_Token says... #13
Check my profile page for a write-up on some methods to get into modern.
August 25, 2014 7:09 p.m.
dougiefresh420247 says... #14
i like elves it comes in at around 550 but if you run some cheaper lords not as much http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/elf-mod-modded
August 25, 2014 9:39 p.m.
GlistenerAgent says... #16
Budget Infect decks probably have the highest price to efficacy ratio, just be aware that it's not a really competitive deck without things like fetchlands and Noble Hierarch .
It depends on how competitive you want to be. BW Tokens is a deck that I'm sure won't cost you too much, and it can be a lot of fun. Mono-Green Aggro is also a thing, if you want to try that.
August 26, 2014 12:09 p.m.
Eduardogbg says... #17
No one mentioned Mono-U Tron. Is a deck (not "the" but at least "a"), and is cheap as hell.
August 26, 2014 7:04 p.m.
You're welcome Matsi883. As I said that deck was a Godsend . But seriously, bad puns aside, without a fun cheap deck like that one I never would have gotten into modern. Giving credit where it's due my friend.
August 26, 2014 9:15 p.m.
Living end without fulminator mages is like, 150$ tops, and its a start to one of the best decks out there.
GoldGhost012 says... #2
Play burn/RDW. You don't need fetches (though of course they are still good) and the most expensive card is Goblin Guide .
August 25, 2014 1:49 p.m.