Infect Vs. Affinity
Modern forum
Posted on May 28, 2016, 10:20 p.m. by Hideousgamer
Ok I just got done building Grixis Delver for modern. I love the deck and it does everything I like about magic. But this is my question which is Infect or Affinity which one would you guys think is the one that has the best value right now and is least likely to be ban out?
( although now that modern is just SCG and GP events and no more PTs modern won't be looked at by WoTC as much. )
amazingdan says... #3
Glistener Elf banning would destroy Infect. No doubt. It does enable <4 wins, but not consistently. That would be like banning Manamorphose from Storm. It CAN enable, but it won't necessarily. It's a 1 mana 1/1. Infect does have a good amount of protection spells, but not so many you can't kill it. I'm not super familiar with Affinity, but a legendary 0 mana artifact doesn't seem super important. It does have a nice price though, so what do I know.
May 28, 2016 11:51 p.m.
mathimus55 says... #4
Neither are dominating tournaments or over represented like recent banned decks have been. I wouldn't worry about any deck getting banned out, the Splinter Twin ban and subsequent Eye of Ugin ban may have been the best things for modern since Pod and Deathrite Shaman got the axe. Everything is wide open and a game of Rock Paper Scissors in the overall meta. Play the deck you want to play and just enjoy it.
As a Merfolk player, I love seeing Merfolk win GP's for 2 reasons:
1: it's another case for people to finally take the deck seriously despite its known weakness to affinity.
2: a deck that fair winning a GP means the format isn't being overrun by unfair decks. People can worry about a deck breaking the T4 rule "consistently", but if it's not putting up results or even winning PRQ's it obviously isn't Consistent enough to worry about banning.
May 29, 2016 12:28 a.m.
UpperDeckerTaco says... #5
mathimus55 not to rain on your fish brigade, but the younger Affinity player in that match up didn't see that Master of the Pearl Trident doesn't Grant itself island walk and he could have blocked it with one of his Ornithopters and then cracked back for lethal with his other Ornithopter with the Cranial Plating on it. I do like merfolk though. AEther Vial decks are a beating.
May 29, 2016 1:51 a.m.
UpperDeckerTaco says... #6
mathimus55 not to rain on your fish brigade, but the younger Affinity player in that match up didn't see that Master of the Pearl Trident doesn't Grant itself island walk and he could have blocked it with one of his Ornithopters and then cracked back for lethal with his other Ornithopter with the Cranial Plating on it. I do like merfolk though. AEther Vial decks are a beating.
May 29, 2016 1:51 a.m.
UpperDeckerTaco says... #7
And to the postee of this thread (can't make out what your name spelling is), just run a Grixis Control variant and your stuff will likely not get axed at all. Take my brew for example:
Grixis without the Delver
May 29, 2016 1:54 a.m.
mathimus55 says... #8
I wouldn't blame that on being a younger player, if you're in the finals of a GP you have to have a good amount of skill regardless of age. That literally could have happened to any player in a high pressure situation.
May 29, 2016 10:42 a.m.
SwaggyMcSwagglepants says... #9
It's easier to pull a piece out of affinity than infect, and for that reason it's more likely affinity might see a banning. But there won't be a ban. Not in this kind of healthy, open metagame.
May 30, 2016 12:12 a.m.
ComradeJim270 says... #10
I doubt either is at any risk of a banning any time soon. If you want to buy into one of them, it's quite safe to do so. That said, Infect does run more cards which can be used in other Modern decks (shocks and fetches, Noble Hierarch), so it is a safer investment if you're still concerned.
May 31, 2016 3:10 a.m.
The only card worth banning out of Infect is Mutagenic Growth and that's only because it enables multiple decks to pull off turn 3 kills (not just Infect). Mutagenic Growth is probably the weakest card in Infect, so I doubt they'd ban it at all.
If anything, they'll unban cards for Affinity. While it makes top 8 a lot, it hasn't won a major event since ~2012. It's pretty much the last, consistent, pure aggro deck left in the format. I'd say it's the safer deck to dodge a ban, if anything were to be banned at all out of either deck.
SpringingTiger says... #2
I could see both Mox Opal and Glistener Elf potentially being banned. Glistener Elf because it allows Infect to break the turn 4 rule with a good deal of consistency. Mox Opal because it's just a super powerful card that has many similarities to cards like Chrome Mox, which is also banned.
May 28, 2016 10:57 p.m.