Is Bx Eldrazi a good deck?
Modern forum
Posted on Jan. 7, 2016, 10:25 p.m. by JDMCRIB
I've been on hiatus from MTG for a while now, but all these spicy OGW spoilers are dragging me back in. Excuse me if I'm completely ignorant of the current meta, sorry in advance.
Anyway, I wanted to see what the general opinion was on Bx Eldrazi in the Modern format. I'm feeling like UB would be the best way to go, mainly for Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver to exile tons of cards for the Processors. Sire of Stagnation might also be a good consideration.
I also feel like OGW has a ton of excellent Eldrazi cards that make this deck even better than it already is. I'm interested in seeing how Warping Wail, Reality Smasher, and Thought-Knot Seer will affect the deck (or even see the light of day in Modern, but it seems very likely to me that they will).
Servo_Token says... #3
Yes, the deck is great. I've been playing BW (Which is in my opinion, the best way to go) for about a month now, and I'm loving it. It's put up good results as well. UB in my experience is a the second to worst form, just ahead of GB. Ashiok is cute, but really only helps you to beat the midrange matchups which you are already going to beat anyway.
If you want to get into the deck, I suggest mono black, then add white or red if and as you see fit.
I'm excited to be playing eldrazi charm, but not much else out of the new set makes me think that it'll be good in the deck. It'll all come down to testing though.
January 7, 2016 11:06 p.m.
square711: There was someone playing it at a SCG event and they did a video on it, the guy's name escapes me. And yeah, Sire of Stagnation might not be the best option.
DevoidMage: I'd be really interested in seeing the BW version; never seen it done before. Ashiok just felt like such good synergy with the Processors, but I can see what you mean. Warping Wail definitely seems great for the deck, and I think you shound at least consider Thought-Knot Seer if nothing else. If you can cast it on turn two, it'd be quite the problem for the opponent.
Gepetto: I was planning on waiting a while to see how the deck performed after OGW before I put down any sort of investment on it. Depending on what version I decide to make, it could end up being pretty expensive. I do already have access to a few of the cards that would be going in, but the Eldrazi lands are one of the big things I'd need to get.
January 8, 2016 12:07 a.m.
GoldGhost012 says... #5
I think this may be the video in question. To summarize it quickly, mono-black Eldrazi takes down Grixis Control 2-0.
What I find really impressive is that in game 2 the Eldrazi deck takes a turn 4 Crumble to Dust to the Eldrazi Temple and still manages to win.
I don't know too much about the list(s), but I think it's a pretty solid list(s). I think that, if it manages to somewhat survive hate being sided for it in the next few events, it could become a solid edition to Tier 1.5-2. Maybe.
January 8, 2016 12:26 a.m.
Servo_Token says... #6
People haven't learned to hate it out yet. They treat it like tron, but the deck reacts much better to hate like blood moon and crumble than tron does. I don't actually know what the proper hate is myself, which is probably why the deck is doing so well right now.
JDMCRIB On my profile there's a BW version, the one that i'm currently running, and the list can be found under Deck Creation on MTGSalvation as well.
January 8, 2016 12:41 a.m.
I've been playing the UB variant and I will say it's fun nothing's funnier than casting Delay and using that spell as Blight Herder or Wasteland Strangler fodder. I won't say it's great as it folds to aggro matchups but it is really fun to use.
January 8, 2016 10:26 a.m.
TheAnnihilator says... #8
I think the deck is real. It's fun, like Tron, but also competitive. I've heard that it's like tron, but it's matches are more well rounded against the meta. However, it supposedly also loses to its older cousin.
I belive that the BW version plays Lingering Souls and Path to Exile i. Addition to the regular Black Eldrazi stuff.
January 8, 2016 11:07 a.m.
Servo_Token says... #9
Yes, BW forgoes Mind Stone, cuts Expedition Map down to two, and shifts some other stuff around to make room for playsets of PAth and LS, and also has an infinitely better sideboard plan.
January 8, 2016 11:20 a.m.
Hmm... yeah, that sounds pretty strong actually. I still have a soft spot for Ashiok, but it's whatever.
I'm gonna watch how the deck does for a while before I make a decision, but it does look really awesome!
January 8, 2016 5:47 p.m.
Shouldn't the B/W version be running Rest in Peace instead of Lingering Souls? So the stuff you process goes straight back to exile and stuff.
January 8, 2016 9:09 p.m.
Do you have a decklist for the BW version? I'm interested in trying it out. :)
January 8, 2016 11:21 p.m.
Servo_Token says... #14
Rest in Peace isn't necessary because it doesn't cantrip, and you only really need to process like 3 cards a game to have success with the deck. Tidehollow Sculler is in a similar spot wherein it's cute but not a good card.
square711 says... #2
I have literally never seen that Bx Eldrazi deck anywhere, so I can't say anything about its viability, but let me get this out of the way: Sire of Stagnation is a terrible idea. It's a bit harder to kill than your average huge-ass creature, but it still dies to a lot of stuff, takes a while to start paying off and costs six freaking mana, two of them colored.
January 7, 2016 10:55 p.m.