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Modern forum

Posted on April 11, 2015, 8:46 p.m. by Kirbuigi

Hey, I was thinking about making a control deck using blue. Preferably no green or white. I want to go outside my comfort zone. I'm still a COMPLETE nube, so I am looking for suggestions. Thanks!

Dalektable says... #2

Well...this is vague. Budget? Competitiveness?

April 11, 2015 8:48 p.m.

bananamaniaman says... #3

You could go Grixis. It's probably the second best control strategy outside of Esper, but u said u didn't want white.

April 11, 2015 8:50 p.m.

Kirbuigi says... #4

Sorry about being vague.I have a low budget, and I am not competitive. Just playing for fun!I was thinking grixis. since i am a nube, (I havea slight idea), but what is the main goal, or gimmick of control decks?

April 11, 2015 8:59 p.m.

bananamaniaman says... #5

Well, if you have a budget, control may not be the best idea...

April 11, 2015 9:01 p.m.

Kirbuigi says... #6

Is it expensive?

April 11, 2015 9:03 p.m.

mpeach1 says... #7

Yea, especially in modern. I wouldn't say there are any gimmicks necessarily though. The main goal is to simply opens your opponent until you have threats to win, and control to protect your threats

April 11, 2015 9:04 p.m.

JexInfinite says... #8

If you're a complete noob, don't play control. Playing control requires a good understanding of the meta, and the rules. If you're a noob, this is incredibly difficult, and you'll end up making a fool of yourself.

Play something easier, like Ninja Bear Delver, or UR Delver.

April 11, 2015 9:06 p.m.

6tennis says... #9

The goal of a control deck is inevitability. Inevitability is how often you can lock down your opponents and get your wincon. If you wanna go budget control, hmm...



What format do you want this in? You could do Counterburn or Scry Burn in . Standard, I can help. Anything else, no.

April 11, 2015 9:06 p.m.

Kirbuigi says... #10

In that case, perhaps a strategy using ?

April 11, 2015 9:26 p.m.

Kirbuigi says... #11

I just want to expand from only using & .

April 11, 2015 9:28 p.m.

JexInfinite says... #12

Kirbuigi I think you'll find that expanding from green and white means more than just not playing those colours. There are a lot of different ways to play using certain colours. White can be aggressive, midrange, or control, also giving insane sideboard options for every deck. White is one of the strongest support colours.

What you need to do is find a new archetype, rather than new colours.

April 11, 2015 9:33 p.m.

Kirbuigi says... #13

Okay... Which archetype would you suggest? Just not populate.

April 11, 2015 9:38 p.m.

JexInfinite says... #14

Populate? Wow, that's pretty basic. I hate it too.

How do you like to play Magic? If you don't enjoy constructed, play a degenerate combo deck, like Amulet Bloom.

April 11, 2015 9:49 p.m.

Kirbuigi says... #15

I like to play in a "hit hard, hit fast" style. You don't like populate? I love it! It hits so hard! In turn 17, I attacked my opponent for roughly 250 damage! No matter how much you hate Pop., not even you can say that that isn't impressive! I may be looking for a new strat., Populate for the win!

April 11, 2015 10:13 p.m.

kintighd says... #16

I think this may need to be moved to the kitchen table forum. That way people know to give you some more casual ideas for decks.

Simic is a ton of fun in casual,and evolve can get real crazy, real fast.

April 11, 2015 10:56 p.m.

Kirbuigi says... #17

I'll take a look at it. Thanks!

April 11, 2015 10:58 p.m.

If you want to look for budget decks, just do deck search and for hubs, type in "budget" and look for a deck that grabs your attention.

April 11, 2015 11 p.m.

Kirbuigi says... #19

Good idea! I'll take a look

April 11, 2015 11:09 p.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #20

Hit hard hit fast, That's Bloom Titan and GR tron. Bloom Titan can win T2. You can also do mono-G stompies, which can generally win turns 4-6 and is definitely within your budget. Also, infinite combos.

April 15, 2015 11:42 a.m.

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