Jund Is Control

Modern forum

Posted on May 28, 2015, 8:11 p.m. by MAGESTIC_LLAMA

What is Control? What exactly constitutes a Control deck? Well, a Control deck is focused around controlling your opponent's hand, deck and board. Control is able to do so by generating card advantage, making sure they have more options than your opponent. Control eventually ends the game through a hard to remove win condition

You may be rolling your eyes at me explaining what Control is, but thats important. The angle Im going for is that Jund is a control deck, one of the best ones in Modern. Lets take a look at some of the best and recent Modern decks.



Lets take a look at the similarities and differences in these decks. For starters, they both run around 10-16 creatures. They use efficient threats that have utility stapled on, in order to generate card advantage. They have about 16-18 instants and sorceries. All of these are either hand attack, spot removal or two for ones like Kolaghan's Command or Maelstrom Pulse. These spells help Jund control the board so they can beat face with a Tarmogoyf or Scavenging Ooze. Removal is the backbone of Jund. Without efficiency, Jund just doesnt work.

Well what about Card Advantage? Jund has two of the best cards for generating value. Liliana of the Veil and Dark Confidant (Bob). These two together force your opponent into relying on drawing something good, get rid of their options while giving you an extremely powerful advantage of cards in hand. Both cards are 60$ for a reason, and are cornerstones of many Modern decklists.

Proactive Vs Reactive.

Modern is a turn four format. What I mean by this, is that Modern games are generally decided by turn four. This cuts out a large amount of decks, including decks that are exclusively Reactive. A Reactive deck responds to your opponent's threats, and doesnt develop a board presence. This kind of Control is what dominates Standard, due to the relative slowness of the format. However, Modern is dominated by Proactive decks. Delver lists, Red Deck Wins, Zoo, Urzatron and Infect all focus on developing a board position. The deal with the meta is that most decks can cast threats much faster than control can remove them. So for control to work in Modern, it must be Proactive. Jund fits that ticket.

This is my argument. Read it, consider it then post. Have a nice day all.

kyuuri117 says... #1

why is this thread still alive lol

May 31, 2015 1:04 a.m.

kengiczar says... #2

Sometimes I like to be proactive about being proactive by using cards like Serum Visions or Gitaxian Probe to get a Silence before I pass turn.

May 31, 2015 1:05 a.m.

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