Keyword tribal
Modern forum
Posted on Jan. 30, 2015, 5:41 a.m. by ChiefBell
Does anyone have any examples of fun keyword tribal decks. Hexproof, regenerate, vigilance?
I've been obsessed with making a tier 2 or 1.5 regenerate tribal deck for a while.
That looks really fun. I think I might write an article about the most durable creatures in moder. Blood baron is one of them. I can't think if a single removal spell that hits it.
January 30, 2015 5:52 a.m.
APPLE01DOJ says... #4
Damnation & other wraths or Beast Within Plummet Hurricane Rapid Hybridization are all I can think of outside of Lilly and other than the wraths none of that is MB material.
January 30, 2015 7:39 a.m.
All I can think of that's actually played is wrath effects and lily yeh.
January 30, 2015 7:41 a.m.
APPLE01DOJ says... #6
I wanna see a Prowess deck emerge. Infect is pretty good tribal word. I've never been impressed by it but I guess exalted is a thing. U could totally make troll regeneration tribal.
January 30, 2015 7:44 a.m.
I loved my M13 BW exalted deck. Constellation is definitely a thing right now, though.
January 30, 2015 8:20 a.m.
lemmingllama says... #8
Defender tribal is a hilarious tier 2 deck.
I also still have my super old deck from 8ish years ago where I used walls, Archery Training, and Rolling Stones to win games. Good times, even if it isn't Modern.
January 30, 2015 8:27 a.m.
lemmingllama says... #10
I know, right? Slap it on a wall or two and soon they run out of attackers, then you win with Sunweb. Sadly not competitive, but a blast to play with against casual decks.
January 30, 2015 9:20 a.m.
SorcerersBone says... #11
Go blue aggro with Unblockable tribal? It'll probably turn into Rogue tribal real quick. But its not a keyword anymore, so i guess that won't work. Landwalk tribal could work, specifically Islandwalk since blue is pretty common in all formats. Its a pretty lulzy alternative, with Lord of Atlantis + Master of the Pearl Trident being 2-drop lords, with an Adaptive Automaton thrown in.
January 30, 2015 9:35 a.m.
slovakattack says... #12
You could always cheat, and use Concerted Effort. I've wanted to try and break that for so long xD
January 30, 2015 10:40 a.m.
APPLE01DOJ says... #14
How about Golgari Elves? I've been trying to find the right recipe for that a long time now. Wren's Run Vanquisher Talara's Battalion Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord Savra, Queen of the Golgari Glissa, the Traitor there is just so much flavor and u get to use Gilt-Leaf Palace and Deathrite Shaman can even be swapped in for tabletop.
January 30, 2015 10:53 a.m.
Hjaltrohir says... #15
DEathtouch is a fun tribal keyword, of even better, first strike/deathtouch...
January 30, 2015 12:08 p.m.
cosmokai2000 says... #16
Beware the Clouds! Playtest
SCORE: 4 | 2 COMMENTS | 158 VIEWSThis is something I've been working on. Flying tribal seems fun and isn't terrible
January 30, 2015 1:14 p.m.
Fair enough. And that is a decent sideboard card too.
January 30, 2015 2:52 p.m.
I haven't seen a twin deck in ages haha. I hope they come back soon. That was a good matchup for me.
I'm also really interested in undying tribal
GoofyFoot says... #2
I prototyped this: deck link.
It's still in alpha development, but I think it could work.
January 30, 2015 5:46 a.m.