Leyline of Sanctity?
Modern forum
Posted on Jan. 22, 2015, 4:05 p.m. by InnerFlame
Pretty much the question is, should I sideboard Leyline of Sanctity? I have two modern decks, mardu burn and aura hexproof. They will likely see the most play in the burn deck if I get them. Do they belong in a burn sideboard? I know that it's more of a question of my local meta. There will be burn and discard in my meta.
Then there's another side to the question. How many do I sideboard?
DeletedNow4ever says... #3
It's actually one of the best cards in Aura Hexproof's sideboard. Stops burn and discard, two of your biggest problems.
January 22, 2015 4:10 p.m.
InnerFlame says... #4
Thank you NorthernRaven and ConBurnMadMan for the fast feedback. When I said it'll see the most play in the burn, I meant that's the deck I would play the most.
So 3 sideboard is pretty much a given? I was thinking two but I can obviosuly see why 3 lol.
January 22, 2015 4:13 p.m.
Well, two can be good. However you REALLY want to have this in your opening hand. Therefore, 2 is sometimes not good enough. Against certain decks, this card is just a GG :)
January 22, 2015 4:15 p.m.
lemmingllama says... #6
Burn normally doesn't care about people interacting with them, I would add them into the sideboard of Aura Hexproof. It's hilarious when they try to use their Liliana of the Veils and -2 them
January 22, 2015 4:16 p.m.
Not to mention you have the luxury of actually casting them if need be. Some decks side in 4 even if they have no white because they can be that game changing.
January 22, 2015 4:24 p.m.
GlistenerAgent says... #8
Certainly in Hexproof. Burn doesn't need it. Hexproof has the issue of being terrible against discard spells, so you need them to stop the BGx players that will be very common from tearing apart your hand.
In general, it's a pretty bad sideboard card for the format, but if you need to beat discard spells it's great. Even if burn is a real deck, I don't want to waste sideboard slots on this card when I could play something more versatile like Obstinate Baloth, Dispel or others.
January 22, 2015 4:53 p.m.
If playing hexproof, you really don't want to get your creature taken from you turn 1. That is not fun. Leyline is really good. It protects you against Thoughtseize and other discard (Junk is the thing right now), Liliana of the Veil (very hard to win against), Scapeshift and Burn.
If playing burn... Well, it's still protecting against the same :)
January 22, 2015 5:28 p.m.
GlistenerAgent says... #10
Burn doesn't care about discard spells. Your deck is redundant enough where Thoughtseize isn't that powerful.
January 22, 2015 5:34 p.m.
TristanTaylorsVoice says... #11
Yeah, Leyline of Sanctity is great in bogles because you can use the buff to Ethereal Armor and bogles gets shredded by b/g decks which will become popular in modern again. In other words, Leyline of Sanctity protects your game plan AND gives them dead cards.
Leyline of Sanctity does 0 damage to the opponent however. Burn does not want to react, burn is the deck to react TO. Leyline of Sanctity gives the burn player the same effect as an Inquisition of Kozilek, which is you essentially took a mulligan and are now lower on damage. Sideboard cards that will deal damage FOR SURE are great in the sideboard of burn (Smash to Smithereens for artifact base decks only, Cryoclasm against U/W/R, Guerrilla Tactics against heavy discard, Aura Barbs against bogles, etc.). Sideboard cards that are cheap and don't provide card disadvantage, but don't deal damage, are a little better and sometimes necessary (Relic of Progenitus is hard to replace). These proactive kinds of cards are what you should look for, not Leyline of Sanctity.
The_Raven says... #2
They are really good. Stops a lot of decks. I would say, that you should sideboard 3 :)
January 22, 2015 4:07 p.m.