Looking for suitable replacements for the Goyf

Modern forum

Posted on Dec. 30, 2012, 11:19 p.m. by vila_a23

I understand that there isn't any card right now that can really take Tarmogoyf s spot, but I have made this deck Eternal Command for the upcoming modern ptq's and cannot afford to get them in time and my buddies that have some can't spare to lend me them because they to are playing the same list. A possible replacement I am thinking of is Quirion Dryad . Sure it isn't as powerful as the goyf but it can get even bigger if it sticks around long enough. Other than that I have considered just adding more of the other creatures and bumping up the spell or land count. what are your suggestions?

graft says... #2

As you said, nothing truly replaces Tarmogoyf, but you could try card:Talara's Battalion, Taurean Mauler , Burning-Tree Shaman , or Vinelasher Kudzu . Of these, Burning-Tree Shaman is probably the best since it's out of Lightning Bolt range, and it shuts down pod and splinter twin decks. However, you're going to take damage if you continue using AEther Vial :\

December 31, 2012 10:55 a.m.

magictitan1234 says... #3

you could try Predator Ooze. It's mana cost isn't the most ideal, but it's indestructible, and it just builds and builds the more you attack with it.

December 31, 2012 10:57 a.m.

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