Mardu Discussion

Modern forum

Posted on Feb. 7, 2015, 5:26 p.m. by VampireArmy

No this isn't my asking for help on my deck. No decklists posted here unless in direct reference to the discussion (I.E. if you need to prove a situation that X card is worth running)

With that out of the way, what do we know about RWB?

We know it does aggro (not to be confused with burn)

We know it does Midrange

We know it can do control

Our underlying problem

We lack Tarmogoyf : A cheap beat stick with insane defense stats as well.

We lack Abrupt Decay / Maelstrom Pulse : two of the most efficient destruction spells ever printed.

So how do you see us contending with the new meta?

What can we do to earn our place at the Tier table?

Baltec says... #1

@IndepenentMeta You are thinking of Ghost Quarter.

And I don't know what other spell you are talking about. Maybe Swords to Plowshares? If so then it is not modern legal. I suppose Oust plays a similar role but if you are not using any kind of mana denial strategy then Path is just the best option.

March 11, 2015 11:43 p.m.

IndepenentMeta says... #2

Yeah that was wat I was talking bout and that does answer my question as to why people ain't running it. Oust might do something. But idk the point to spinning cards to the top is to stop a draw step. I don't se Ethan happening with that card Espcally if they really don't need the card it's as easy as fetching it away

March 11, 2015 11:51 p.m.

Twanicus says... #3

Ran another FNM with Mardu Superfriends, went 2-1.

Round 1:Rakdos Aggro. 2-0. Same play out both games; stabilize mid game with life gain, grind him out with walkers.

Round 2:Weird enchantment deck. 2-1. Disruption helped a lot.

Round 3:WB Tokens. 0-2. So this deck is an issue. Ive tested against it a few times, both online and paper, and i always lose. i need better answers in the main and side. will work on that shortly.

Anyways, theres the update. Also, new project soon. Mardu exalted =) keep ya posted.

April 4, 2015 1:26 a.m.

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