Modern Community Deck!
Modern forum
Posted on Feb. 7, 2015, 5:06 p.m. by Human_Rogue_21
Hello there TappedOut users!
I am Human_Rogue_21 and I am looking for something new in Modern.
With Treasure Cruise, Birthing Pod, and Dig Through Time becoming banned in Modern, the format has been blown wide open and there are a lot of new decks on the rise and old decks becoming popular again.
Over my Magic career, I have played a wide variety of decks across Standard and Modern, and even dipping into Legacy a little bit, but now i'm at a loss as to what to play...
I have been experimenting with many different archetypes, such as; Dredgevine, LoamPox, Faeries, Amulet Bloom, Gifts Control, Abzan Rock, Hatebears, Scapeshift, etc, but I just can't seem to settle on one deck.
So now I need to ask the Magic/TappedOut community for a favor. Help me build a deck!!!
I am open to any and all archetypes in the format of Modern and would appreciate all suggestions.
I would like a deck that is highly competitive, as I play in many large tournaments, a deck that beats on the meta (Burn, Affinity, Scapeshift, Abzan), and plays many interactive cards.
Bonus: I enjoy playing BG so any deck with those colours would be greatly appreciated!
Card/Deck suggestions are greatly appreciated!
Thanks and happy brainstorming!
GlistenerAgent says... #3
Play Scapeshift! I've got a reasonable list on my profile, and you can tune your sideboard and maindeck to beat literally anything. Your bad matchups are really only aggressive decks, but you can play any number of removal spells to beat them.
February 7, 2015 5:12 p.m.
How competitive are you trying to go?
Lotleth Troll seems to be getting a lot of attention, since everyone is trying to make Delve work.
If it doesn't have to be /
, Id go with whatever best counters the meta or slips under its finger nails.
Otherwise, Im sure Epoch or Chief might make a comment any time.. Im not the best most knowledgeable help so. :P
February 7, 2015 5:25 p.m.
Human_Rogue_21 says... #5
Ryotenchi - I am looking to play in many PTQ's/GPT's and hopefully get out to some Super IQ's in the near future, so I am looking to be as competitive as possible.Lotleth Troll seems like a very cool card and I have tested it a lot in different Vengevine decks. I feel like a Vengevine/Lotleth Troll/Gravecrawler/Bloodghast deck could be very versatile in the current format.
JexInfinite & GlistenerAgent - You both make very good points. GR Tron and Scapeshift are both very powerful decks, but I feel like they are maybe too slow for the current format... They are two decks worth looking at and I plan to do some testing with the two, as I have played both decks in the past. I would like to test Ugin, the Spirit Dragon in GR Tron and Obstinate Baloth in Scapeshift.
I appreciate the comments guys!
February 7, 2015 5:32 p.m.
Lotleth Troll wasn't very well thought out, Needed to know what level of competitiveness yeh were looking for.. In that case I think a lot of peeps are gonna be packing even more GY Hate then ever.
Id agree with Tron for sure. Gonna browse MTG Top8..
February 7, 2015 5:41 p.m.
GlistenerAgent says... #7
Obstinate Baloth is a staple card in the deck, and you should have at least two in your sideboard no matter what, possibly 3 now that Abzan is so popular.
February 7, 2015 5:42 p.m.
JexInfinite says... #8
RG Tron is in no way slow. Your mid-game is turn 3. You can just start wrecking everything faster than almost everything except Burn and Affinity. Ugin is alright as a 1 of instead of the 4th Oblivion Stone, but more than 1 seems risky.
Going with a similar list to Jacob Wilson's Abzan aggro is pretty safe, as that deck performs well against other aggro decks, and holds up against a lot of top decks because of the brilliant sideboard options.
February 7, 2015 5:44 p.m.
lemmingllama says... #9
If you want to go really rogue, there are a bunch of tier 3 decks that could be fun to use. Stuff like Assault Loam, that uses Life from the Loam with Seismic Assault to create shenanigans. Abuse Flame Jab and Raven's Crime for extra fun.
Some other cool deck ideas I've been trying out is Heartless Summoning combo, White weenies with protection from Abzan, and Shadowborn Apostle combo.
JexInfinite says... #2
Abzan will be played by everyone and their grandmother. You could play RG Tron, which has no risk of facing a ban and preys upon slow decks. It's not particularly great against Burn and fast aggro, but you can afford to sideboard for specific bad matchups because of all the good ones.
February 7, 2015 5:10 p.m.