Modern staples

Modern forum

Posted on June 8, 2013, 12:26 a.m. by Sainted

Hi yall. So im relatively new to the Modern setting and trying to learn as much as i can. I was recently unfortunately called a Try hard newb by someone else on this site due to the modern decks that I have made recently. I personally thought that the things I were doing were at least decent and viable.

apparently incorrect.

Im not writing this for a Epeen or anything. you dont need to look at my decks you dont need to do anythign like that. Im ONLY WANTING TO KNOW what cards are considered common competitive modern staples. I want to know what others out there feel is worthy for modern tournies. The meta in my city is interestingly enough constantly changning. every month its soemthign new. So im coming to yall.

I will repeat this again. I dont need you too look at my decvks and boost my ego. i also dont need you to tear it down ;) Im jsut wanting to pick your brains about Modern Staples. cause apparently I dont know shit :p

DukeNicky says... #2

Well pretty much every card in Modern Masters is a Modern staple. That's where I'd start if you can afford a box.

June 8, 2013 12:49 a.m.

Sainted says... #3

I will be getting one with my next paycheck. but looking past that box....

June 8, 2013 12:53 a.m.

JMANNO33O says... #4

All Zendikar fetchlands are staples. Even if they have 1 color not in your deck. For example: If you play Bant, Adding Arid Mesa s are not a bad idea because they can fetch your Temple Garden s and your Hallowed Fountain s.

June 8, 2013 2:04 a.m.

Sainted says... #5

hrmm very true. Thanks for the input :)

June 8, 2013 2:06 a.m.

DukeNicky says... #6

All dual lands (Scars Fast lands; ISD duals; Core set duals; Shock lands; Zendi Fetches)
Tron lands - Urza's Power Plant , Urza's Mine , Urza's Tower Zendi "Man lands" - Raging Ravine , Celestial Colonnade , Creeping Tar Pit , Lavaclaw Reaches , Stirring Wildwood

June 8, 2013 2:17 a.m.

Matsi883 says... #7

Most cycles of duel lands legal in Modern are normally seen in high-level decks.

June 8, 2013 7:48 a.m.

Sainted says... #8

Well I thank all three for the input on lands. :) past lands what cards are commonly seen at least in your own metas

June 8, 2013 7:59 a.m.

gnarlicide says... #9

Kitchen Finks , Murderous Redcap , Birthing Pod , Dark Confidant . Sowing Salt . These are things that I see often. Or play often. hope that helps.

June 8, 2013 9 a.m.

Krayhaft says... #10

Past lands, it really depends on what kind of deck you want to play.

The three eldrazi titans, Gifts Ungiven , Remand , etc are all heavy modern cards.

But I agree with DukeNicky, if you want to jump into modern, a box of MMA is the right way to go.

June 8, 2013 10:37 a.m.

DukeNicky says... #11

AsKrayhaft sid it does depend on what you want to play there are still plenty of viable archetypes with a different staples such as Affinity, Zoo, Dredge, and so on and so forth. Liliana of the Veil is pretty much an eternal formats staple (save EDH where she isn't as great) Anything that tutors is a staple as well. Here]( is a list of Top 8 Modern decks from Pro Tour DGM in Toronto from 17 March. I'll compile a list (deck) soon.

June 8, 2013 5:22 p.m.

DukeNicky says... #12


Here is the link

June 8, 2013 5:23 p.m.

wolffox says... #13

Vendilion clique is playable in almost every blue based tempo deck.

June 8, 2013 7:43 p.m.

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