Mono White Answers to Grixis Control
Modern forum
Posted on Feb. 26, 2014, 12:29 a.m. by kintighd
There is this grixis control build floating around mtgo that uses the dimir man land, and runs a large amount of burn and counter spells. They essentially keep your side of the board clear and chip away at you 3 damage at a time. or maybe a little more if you're lucky enough to see a snapcaster. I'm looking for some answers to this deck because I can never beat it any time I play it.
reverendvile777 says... #4
Ghost Quarter and Tectonic Edge hit Creeping Tar Pit . Thalia, Guardian of Thraben is an obvious choice to slow down their defense.
February 26, 2014 2:36 a.m.
Yeah, I must have misworded the question. I'm not really looking for answer to the man land, I can handle the man land once I get a creature on the field. I'm looking at cavern of souls, since most of the deck is Kors, it should help me get by their counters.
raithe000 says... #2
Celestial Flare ?
February 26, 2014 12:31 a.m.