Need advice for the future.
Modern forum
Posted on June 26, 2017, 11:50 p.m. by Dredge4life
So I recently sold my Grixis delver deck to my LGS, and I've been having trouble deciding what to play. I recently decided to rebuild Mono U Tron, because it is the only deck that I have ever really enjoyed in Modern. However, I have been experimenting with a giftsless Esper Tron build, which splashes B for Thoughtseize, Inquisition of Kozilek, and Fatal Push, as well as white for Path to Exile, and Disenchant . I'm wondering if I should buy the Esper deck I've brewed, or stick to the deck I've used before? Obviously this is not sufficient information without the decklists, but it's basically midnight where I'm at, so it's not really feasible for me to post them right now. I'm just looking for input as to what I should do. It's late, so this post probably reads very confusingly, but thanks for taking the time to answer. Also, apologizes for the run-on sentences.
Oloro_Magic says... #3
Get the established list you know and like and then tinker, it has more lasting power.
June 27, 2017 10:21 a.m.
elementalheroflamewingman says... #4
Always stick to stock lists if you're re-entering a format. Also, Esper Tron sounds terrible. You want tron, yet you play 3 colors for hand disruption and removal ? Not trying to shoot down the idea, but the cards you listed cost quite a bit, and if your mana base doesnt work it you'll just be a good waste of money either on the tron side, or esper control side of the esper tron deck.
abby315 says... #2
From my experience buying exciting brews, you're better off buying the Mono- deck you like, playing it until you feel you want to spice it up, then investing in the Esper cards if they still interest you. That's what I did with Temur Energy in this standard: bought the stock list, had a ton of fun, switched it up with homebrew additions once I knew the deck well and wanted a change.
That being said, I don't know about your local meta, but Mono-U Tron seems like it takes a total beating from Death's Shadow. It's possible a black splash might be necessary just to have game against that deck.
June 26, 2017 11:53 p.m.