Need help/ examples of some good decks
Modern forum
Posted on April 6, 2013, 9:08 p.m. by mmdw34
So I just started recently in the ravnica block and found out the grand prix was coming too detroit so I wanted to enter, I looked to see it was Modern format and dont know too much about all the cards, was hoping I could get some input on some decks maybe Mill or Red Black just to pull some ideas on what to play? Id appreciate some help very much
Well, it really depends on your budget. Do you have a high spending cap? Say $1000? Play Jund. No? Alright, you can take an affordable and fairly easy to play deck, like Soul Sisters. Or, if you want free wins, you can play Eggs. You could also go all in and play Auras. There's plenty to do in Modern. Here's a link with some good lists.
Jhonie played Auras to 4-0, ZombieNoodle played Soul Sisters to 3-1.
Corrado is playing Eggs in this one. If you play it, I suggest you practice, and a lot. Once you get it down, it combo's well, but without practice it's easy to deck yourself. Just look for some primers to get started.
There's plenty of decks to play in Modern, it just takes some time to learn what you like. I'm personally playing Grixis Delver right now, though I managed to assemble it via a LOT of trading over time. I'm still missing Thoughtseize for it though. It's what I'm planning on taking to GP Portland soon personally.
April 6, 2013 9:47 p.m.
I would suggest researching the format quite a bit more. tcg player has an easy to access list of successful decklists. If mill or Red Black is your first ideas for decks I'd suggest you start practicing now.
April 6, 2013 9:52 p.m.
Ohh no I will deff start getting some ideas and trying to get a deck together, I really like the fact its at cobo hall its such a big kinda arena. I just wanted to go try it and have fun and play. Ill be sure to look and im not gonna be playing modern all the time so I wanna keep the budget pretty low
April 6, 2013 10:30 p.m.
Ohthenoises says... #7
Affinity is a good deck to play as well. Domo Arigato Mr. Roboto Modern is one of my main modern decks.
Eggs-Cellent is my take on eggs.
Quest for the Spinning Temple is fun but somewhat unstable.
Defender Sun's Zenith is one I'm kinda proud of. Goes off turn 5 reliably and you don't need to do much but equip Umbral Mantle to Axebane Guardian for infinite mana and then use Blue Sun's Zenith to deck your opponent in one shot.
April 6, 2013 11:30 p.m.
thank you for all the information. i put together a quick mill deck if you can look and tell me what you think that would be great thanks A MILLion Years Ago
April 6, 2013 11:36 p.m.
Wait a minute, theres a GP coming to Detroit??? Can you point me towards the details? I may have to try and attend. I would look for them myself, but my phone sucks and Im at work. Thanks
Xindlepete says... #2
If you are looking at modern legal mill decks, you can take a peek at mine!
Grist for the Mill was originally made for two-headed giant, but I tweaked it up a bit and can consistently win at around turn 5-6. It will probably need a bit more tweaking for grand prix, but it is a strong base to start from. Any questions about mill, then I'm your man! Just message me on my profile page. :)
April 6, 2013 9:45 p.m.