New Avacyn in Kiki-Chord?
Modern forum
Posted on March 25, 2016, 12:34 a.m. by booman27
I know as a deck Kiki-Chord isn't well placed in the meta but Archangel Avacyn seems like a really target defense against blowouts like supreme verdict or to have majorly one sided blocks. Plus she is a pretty fast clock on her own. Thoughts?
Yeah, her flip basically makes her unplayable in the deck. HOWEVER, a card like Dauntless Escort or Loxodon Hierarch is certainly a nice fit somewhere in the 65.
Usually people play Reveillark, which is fun to blink with resto and kiki, to get around wraths.
I'm also considering how to change my kikichord deck to the new meta. All I've come up with is Voice of Resurgence seems really important.
April 12, 2016 6 a.m.
Tata: Yeah my current list is splashing blue for Reflector Mage but I'm also gonna try out Dauntless Escort because of all of the wraths running around. While her flip can nuke the board I've found Archangel Avacyn Flip to fulfill the top end the deck needs when you can't combo. Chording her in or just casting her in response to a board wipe is brutal and I have yet to do testing when she flips but a 4/4 flash flying vigilance is really good right now it seems.
KillDatBUG says... #2
I think she's too narrow. I wouldn't play a 4/4 flash flier for 5 in the first place, because that's overcosted even with the ETB ability. The ETB ability is also too situational; you need a lot to go right in order for it to work. Oh, and to add insult to injury, she nukes your board if she flips.
March 25, 2016 1:21 a.m.