New to Modern, need deck ideas
Modern forum
Posted on Nov. 5, 2015, 8:30 p.m. by Thereddic
Hello! I've been playing standard for a while now, and I'm kind of sick of all my deck pieces rotating out, so I want to try my hand at modern.
I've always been a budget player, so I'd prefer nothing too pricey (I generally make decks around $200-$300 max). Beyond that, I've always been an aggro player, generally with some control elements (I don't actually know enough terminology to describe it. I like to kill people fast while killing their stuff, generally a good mix of creatures and spells).
Red is generally my favourite colour, followed by black, with green generally being the only colour I dislike (to be fair, that may be because Green has always just been about big mana into big creatures, not doing cool tricks and blowouts with spells. Maybe it's different in Modern). I'd prefer to keep things in the R/B colours since I already have the fetchlands for that, plus those lands are generally cheaper anyways, and finally: I'd rather avoid playing burn (the spells are too samey, not a lot of variety to be had outside of big Swiftspear plays) or playing a budget version of another deck. I get that I may not have a choice, but I'd prefer to play a deck on its own merits than try to pretend I have a deck I can't afford.
Sorry if this was a bit hard to read. I'm not good at describing this sort of thing. If you want clarification on anything, feel free to ask. Beyond that, Thanks for any help you can provide!
TL/DR: new to modern, want a cheapish deck to try. like aggro with lots of spells, prefer R/B colours.
GreenGhost says... #3
I have a semi budget shaman tribal brew on my page. I would link it, but I'm on my phone, sorry...
November 5, 2015 8:55 p.m.
I have a few decks around 100$ I as well am a big fan of green aggro but theres simple hack and slash to simple quick wins. Check them out.
November 5, 2015 10:36 p.m.
JonathanSamurai says... #5
Wolfmother green isn't always about the fatties.Samurai Glory white can be aggro too.I don't have any decks in Rakdos colors. Mine are all aggro tribals, cept Chandra's Pyrotechnics but you don't like burn...
November 6, 2015 1:38 a.m.
If you like Aggro but not necessarily burn, you could always go with R/B Aggro. It wont cost nearly anything (especially if you have the R/B lands) and is more creature based than burn is. They're kiiinda similar, but at the same time they arent. Plays things like Spike Jester, Stormblood Berserker, Ash Zealot, etc. I could make it and post a list if youre interested.
November 6, 2015 6:44 a.m.
Dalektable says... #7
The aggro-control elements you enjoy sounds to me like a tempo deck. You may enjoy playing UR Delver in Modern, in that case. You play threats such as Monastery Swiftspear YoungPyromancer and clearly Delver of Secrets Flip, alongside some potential new additions like Abbot of Keral Keep. While doing this and beating down, the rest of your deck is filled with can trips, removal or temporary removal like Lightning Bolt and Vapor Snag, and to close the package a small suite of counter spells: the ones of choice being Remand and Mana Leak.
November 6, 2015 8:10 a.m.
LampeShades says... #8
I think this storm-y UR deck is a lot of fun to play when it goes off (which is pretty consistently when you get a grasp on what hands to keep and mulligan) and there is definitely room for tweaks to make it more of your own. Stoked
SoggyGecko says... #2
Well, I do have a few cool deck ideas for you. There is always the fun deck of Skred Red. It is a mono red control deck that runs Skred along side Snow covered mountains, and wins with Boros Reckoner and Koth of the Hammer, along with other support(depends on the version). This is my version-
Skred! The metal is real!
Modern* GabeCubed
Goblins exists, that might be up your alley. And green can be fast, just so you know. This is a primer of mono-green stompy, a fairly budget deck(unless you want to get Tarmogoyf for it, which isn't even the best there).
The thing with modern nowadays is that it is just filled with combo and burn, and aggro really isn't the go to for people, so I would just keep that in mind. Most of the combo decks are a decent bit though, and even burn is kinda expensive. Midrange is as expensive as always, and control is just sometimes a little too expensive(I am a control player at heart, just so you know).
If you want a little bit of control, you could always play a tempo based deck, such as a Delver of Secrets Flip deck(although that kinda is the only tempo deck). Grixis Delver is probably the best at the moment. This is my list for you-
How to Properly Angle- It's a Secret
Modern* GabeCubed
I hope this kinda helps. If you have questions, just ask em.
November 5, 2015 8:51 p.m.