Night's Whisper in storm

Modern forum

Posted on March 7, 2015, 7:57 p.m. by tyforthevenom

Is it worth a splash? Chance you'll kill yourself for more consistency

Ah.... No. Not in ANT or TES. Your blue should fix your draw damn near perfectly.

March 7, 2015 8 p.m.

Lol whoops, still no (especially as you're adding a whole new color) and blue should still fix your draw.

March 7, 2015 8:01 p.m.

tyforthevenom says... #4

I was thinking maybe it's better than Desperate Ravings or Tormenting Voice which sometimes see's play in some lists

March 7, 2015 8:20 p.m.

Tormenting Voice does not see play and Desperate Ravings is better than night's whisper because you can use it twice.

March 7, 2015 8:22 p.m.

JWiley129 says... #6

I think that Anticipation might take the place of Desperate Ravings/Faithless Looting. But Ravings/Looting does still feed the yard for Pyromancer Ascension. Either way, both are better than Night's Whisper for adding another color to your deck.

March 7, 2015 8:23 p.m.

JWiley129 says... #7

selesvyaloverer8 - The "use it twice" argument is a bit irrelevant since UR storm is running Past in Flames anyways. So when it needs to, you could just flash it back with Past in Flames.

March 7, 2015 8:24 p.m.

filledelanuit says... #8

Tormenting Voice Is being tested by some of use from MTGS. Storm has three red cantrips to choose from. We can play Tormenting Voice, Desperate Ravings or Faithless Looting. The general consensus is that Desperate Ravings is the best. Tormenting Voice is being considered as a Thoughtscour replacement.

Anyway, Storm cannot afford the splash for black. And there are way better cards to play in black than Night's Whisper.

March 7, 2015 8:25 p.m.

filledelanuit says... #9

@JWiley129 the "use it twice' argument is completely valid. It serves as a way for us to do something against UWR and BGx. It generates card advantage and feeds that yard.

Anticipation may replace thoughtscour but I don't think that it's good enough, although the instant speed may be good enough in a control heavy meta.

Sorry for the double post.

March 7, 2015 8:28 p.m.

JWiley129 says... #10

lordoftheshadows - I don't think Night's Whisper is playable in Storm, mind you, but you really don't WANT to be flashing back Desperate Ravings for . So in the scenario that was being described, that is slightly irrelevant.

Either way, I'm not sure my Storm list is going to change. I might test Anticipation, but we'll see.

March 7, 2015 8:31 p.m.

filledelanuit says... #11

Desperate Ravings has a weird place in storm. Against BGx and Control it is one of our best cantrips but against other decks it is pretty terrible. However the most important thing about Desperate Ravings is that it can be cast for red mana if we are bottlenecked on blue.

March 7, 2015 8:35 p.m.

desperate ravings is aply named. when youre trying to go off and you desperately need to find a Past in Flames they do what you need. its basically a 4 for 1 when youre searching for past in flames. It is also a great cantrip during the early game when you are trying to sculpt the perfect hand in order to go off since most of the pieces in storm are replaceable and what is really important is getting a critical mass of spells out of your library and into your graveyard and hand.

March 7, 2015 10:51 p.m.

bijschjdbcd says... #13

Didn't read all comments.

The deck needs cards to go into its GY, Thought Scour, Raving do this. It fuels Past in Flames and Ascension.

March 8, 2015 4:09 a.m.

tyforthevenom says... #14

March 8, 2015 4:19 a.m.

bijschjdbcd says... #15

Play some games with it, You will realise how bad it is.

March 8, 2015 4:47 a.m.

tyforthevenom says... #16

I'm only impersonating the Spanish Inquisition on behalf of my friend who wants to build Storm


March 8, 2015 8:08 a.m.

sylvannos says... #17

You need Faithless Looting or Desperate Ravings so you can draw cards off of red mana. Otherwise, you're better off playing Peer Through Depths.

March 8, 2015 8:17 a.m.

Jojja says... #18

As some folks has said, it's a mana issue. But it's also a Pyromancer Ascension issue. Discarding cards with flashback or something you have multiples of in your hand will let you power up Ascension faster then just playing normally.

March 8, 2015 10:45 a.m.

This discussion has been closed