oh, how you wish it was...
Modern forum
Posted on July 13, 2015, 3:10 a.m. by wolfhead
any cards you wished were printed differently?
ill start with my top 3:
1. this is a recent one, but why isnt Assault Formations second activated ability only 1G?! i have a doran combo deck thatd totally be competitive with just that tiny little change lol
2. Phyrexian Arena should be a sign in blood every turn. mono black would be back!
3. okay, everyone says it. but 1B flashback on Lingering Souls...really? i dont know who i hate more, my opponent when they play it, or myself when i play it. all the time.
oooh another honorable mention that no one will like:
ive always fantasized about Boomerang being 1B..
July 13, 2015 3:12 a.m.
Can you please not share your weird sexual fantasies with us?
July 13, 2015 3:17 a.m.
So are you saying that you want Boomerang to be a black card or ?
If Phyrexian Arena was Sign in Blood every turn, it would be completely bonkers. Take it from a black mage, that would be too busted.
If Magma Jet did 3 damage, it would be ridiculously powerful. If it did 3 damage and scryed one, it might be balanced enough for a rare spot. But that's still super powerful.
Your wish for Assault Formation is reasonable.
July 13, 2015 3:21 a.m.
VampireArmy says... #6
I wish brimaz wasn't legendary. If he wasn't i could justify running 4 in a deck without feeling too stupid for drawing all 4.
Can't really think of anything else that's reasonableish
on the unreasonable side of things:
I wish Jotun Grunt had no downside. Yeah i want a two mana 4/4 in white what of it?
July 13, 2015 3:29 a.m.
oops i meant boomerang for 1U
im glad i have your approval on AF ;)
lol ive totally wished that about grunts, too. wonder what would happen...in modern, i doubt itd be too unreasonable any more.
i wish Grim Lavamancer WAS legendary. then i could run 4 like i always want to and NOT feel like an idiot!
July 13, 2015 3:35 a.m.
I wish Utter End was three mana. At three, it would still be weaker than MaelPulse, vindicate, and abrupt decay. At four, it's inconvenient in any format.
July 13, 2015 3:36 a.m.
ooh, i like that one. id have a place for that card in a couple of my decks
July 13, 2015 3:42 a.m.
buildingadeck says... #11
Exile is simply so good, especially when the card says target non land permanent. The reason it is four mana is because Downfall only hit creatures and planes walkers and only destroys. WB would have been totally overpowered with a 3-drop Utter End.
July 13, 2015 4:44 a.m.
JexInfinite says... #12
Why was Dig Through Time not the top 6? Then it wouldn't have been banned.
July 13, 2015 6:51 a.m.
Master of the Wild Hunt - +1 toughness to survive bolt and I'd play that guy in GB/x so hard.
July 13, 2015 7:40 a.m.
Why isn't Butcher of the Horde either a 4/5, 5/5 or a Legendary? As a Legendary sure he's suck for standard but lets face it, he'll never be as good as Siege Rhino. As a legendary at least he could be an awesome General. I realize he's still a pretty great creature but you have to remember how standard was dominated by Stoke the Flames for so long and in modern it doesn't even matter if he's a 5/5 because any deck running Abrupt Decay can run Dismember, and as a 4 drop it's perfectly fine for a burn deck to have a problem with a 5/5. But wait there's more! Burn has a card for that deals 5 to a
creature that can't be countered. No matter how many times you tell me BotH would be OP as a 5/5 I have all the ways each deck, even mono colored, can deal with him already figured out and easily.
Ok so another question. Why couldn't Monastery Siege just cost ? Because it would be good? Yeah duh it'd be good, heck perhaps even worth playing. It still only buys time vs control however so I don't see it as to big of a problem. In addition you could counter it with Spell Pierce or Spell Snare quite easily if I'm on the play T1, or make me discard it even if I'm on the play.
I would have to have both MS and Spell Pierce in opening hand and T1 to be able to pass to you and make sure that Siege wasn't discarded just to land siege and buy time vs control. I do not consider it OP at just
at all.
July 13, 2015 8:12 a.m.
JaceArveduin says... #16
I second the Master of the Wild Hunt, while wishing that Werewolf cards weren't so dependent on your opponent only playing one card per turn.
Also, how the hell did the GW command get fight mode over the GR one?!
July 13, 2015 8:14 a.m.
I agree Utter End would incredibly strong at . For Standard
For modern I can't really say for sure but I do know that I hate the idea of Siege Rhino decks in modern running around with CMC 3 Exile Enchantment, Planeswalker, Artifact & Creature capability on one card. At the same time I would love it for my Esper control.
July 13, 2015 8:14 a.m.
I'd be fine with Jotun Grunt's upkeep cost being one card instead of two. Having it stay around for just one more turn would make a hell of a difference.
Seismic Assault should totally be , or at least
And of all the awesome creatures that die to Bolt, the one I wanted the most at 4 toughness is Olivia Voldaren.
July 13, 2015 9:27 a.m.
TheAnnihilator says... #19
I wish that Cruel Ultimatum was uncounterable. I mean, at 7 mana? It'd better be.
July 13, 2015 10:20 a.m.
You know I was reconsidering things and I would be fine with Ultimate Price at . I've tried out Mortify in Esper Control and it is very underwhelming. Against Jund and Abzan it just doesn't do anything when they go to play Liliana of the Veil and you have no counters in hand. At least with a T3 Utter End I would be able to remove the Liliana of the Veil, making her into a CMC 3 target player discards two cards. Sounds awful for them but trust me it's still good because I am forced to use my removal right then and their rather than save it for Goyf or something later.
In my mind it's about how soon threat can be played vs how soon it's answer can be available in modern and as far as that's concerned a CMC 3 Utter End isn't that overpowered at all. Combo finishes games by T4, Affinity has multiple threats in play by T3 and Elves have well...a crap ton of elves. For which you have to have a board wipe to handle them. A single Utter End will surely hurt their Elvish Archdruid game plan but if I don't main board wipes I'm still pretty boned.
Right now WotC is on the "creatures rule" hype train but eventually I think we'll see spells getting some more CMC 2 and 3 loving and I don't mean as answers to specific problems like how Abrupt Decay hurts Counterbalance and Hallowed Moonlight wrecks cheated in Blightsteel Colossus. I mean we'll actually get a spell that's all purpose but safely costed such as Utter End @ CMC 3. The format is already warped by the unholy trinity that is Dismember, Lightning Bolt and Abrupt Decay which makes the gate for creatures extremely high so in my opinion a CMC 3 utter end shouldn't even matter to anyone. You already can't afford to play dozens upon dozens of seemingly good creatures. Saying that adding another good removal spell for cheap makes it worse is like saying that shooting a guy in the foot makes him hurt more when he's had his other leg run over by a semi and there are wolves ripping off his arm.
July 13, 2015 10:25 a.m.
A few cards that I wish were just 1 cheaper
Kolaghan's Command was just BR so it would be like a little Blightning
Malakir Cullblade could have been like a black version of Champion of the Parish
July 13, 2015 10:50 a.m.
The thing is that 3 mana removal IS clunky. What would utter end do that maelstrom pulse doesn't? I can think of only one card that would matter - keranos due to his indestructible. Cmc3 is high on the curve. It it were fine we would see more copies of maelstrom pulse floating around - but we don't. The reason we don't is because most decent things cost 1 or 2 mana. Goyf, scooze, nacatl, pestermite, amulet, snapcaster etc. 3 mana removal on 1/2 mana stuff is a tempo loss.
July 13, 2015 10:51 a.m.
They shouldn't have made the outlast mechanic sorcery speed. Let me make an additional blocker with Herald of Anafenza before combat or activate my Abzan Falconer the turn it comes into play. They're still all to slow for modern anyways. I don't remember a single outlast card from any pro-tours or PTQs being in the top 8.
Also why does Whelming Wave not include Merfolk on it's text. It was pritned in the same freaking set as Kiora, the Crashing Wave and the same block as Thassa. There were Merfolk in Born of the Gods also. This was the perfect opportunity to give Merfolk a 1 sided overloaded mass bounce that still isn't as versatile as Cyclonic Rift without having to go into a Merfolk heavy set. Flavor wise the Triton reveared Thassa and Whelming Wave is being cast by Kiora but still. Give Merfolk something.
A Whelming Wave that left Merfolk on the board would have made the Elf vs Merfolk matches in modern very interesting no?
I have read about the as-fan aspect of set design but it's pretty lame to not give us at least 3 cards per set that are great in standard decks from among each mechanic. It's like they wanted outlast and renown to both be horrible. Meanwhile Delve and Prowess are feasting like kings at either the BUG, Grixis or Burn tables.
July 13, 2015 11:48 a.m.
VampireArmy says... #24
I mean i think utter end would be so much cooler if it did the same as maelstrom pulse but exiled. Keep it at 4 mana
July 13, 2015 11:54 a.m.
Chief, you're right - from a Modern perspective. Notice I say that at 3 cmc it would still be worse than all the removal gbx already has. I was thinking from a commander perspective since that's what I play most, forgetting this is the modern forum. I love utter end in my commander deck. It's one of the few things that hits purphoros, and it's never a bad draw for me. But it IS clunky. But that's commander talk, and this is Modern. Still, I would play it in some slower decks like 4C Gifts if it was 3 cmc.
July 13, 2015 11:58 a.m.
i dig 4 mana Haunter of Nightveil
itd be like a crappy version of legal jace.
i think the orzhov bitterblossom decks would be grateful for a maelstrom pulse, since at best theyre ALMOST fast enough, and ones that pack removal always just path-ramp me into an even more unraceable board state.
i always enjoyed envisioning what Azorius AEthermage could do if it said "to a players hand" instead of yours, but that aint happening lol.
if a second kind of Dash Hopes were printed, even a crappier one, the implications of mono/UB/Bx control would be CRAZY
July 13, 2015 1:01 p.m.
I second Outlast being Instant-Speed. I think that Wizards may have thought it would be too vicious, but it really wouldn't be that way, due to the need for multiple creatures with counters.
July 13, 2015 3 p.m.
Yeah I got back into mtg around then, and outlast was instantly a huge letdown the second my creature resolved, lol
My brain blanked the sorcery variable or something while I was drafting.
July 13, 2015 5:20 p.m.
pumpkinwavy says... #29
Abzan was already the best in khans, why make it even better by making outlast instant speed? Outlast was a mechanic intended for limited only. That's why there are no constructed playable outlasts. And we may see renown in standard, who knows?
July 13, 2015 5:56 p.m.
buildingadeck says... #30
I personally wish that Black Lotus simply tapped for 3 mana. It's just so underpowered to have to lose your card for mana...
July 13, 2015 6:02 p.m.
meh, i dig mechanics specifically targeting limited play,
but it was still aggravating to spend a creatures first turn attacking tapped, unless it was the most egregious of board stalls
July 13, 2015 6:58 p.m.
im curious to see where renown goes,
it sets off a huge warning flag in my mind,
but if combat in the set is interactive enough, it might be interesting
July 13, 2015 7:01 p.m.
ItchiUchiha117 says... #33
That's why you use your Black Lotus to to cast a Gilded Lotus. You know, really screw with your opponents.
Pertaining to the actual question, I wish that Venser, the Sojourner cost one less mana and his +2 was a +1 instead. I'd enjoy playing UW flicker in modern, but I'm a Timmy that likes Planeswalkers too much to forget Venser.
July 13, 2015 7:35 p.m.
I wish Outlast and Level Up were instant-speed abilities. They would work so much better in multi-player EDH and land-go style strategies.
July 13, 2015 7:39 p.m.
Abzan really only has a few creatures that make it good and even that depends on what other sets were out so far during the Khans block. For example Courser of Kruphix is much weaker now than it was before thanks to Deathmist Raptor and Roast on top of Boon Satyr and Stoke the Flames and then they even printed Valorous Stance. There is nothing that Abzan can do that can't be answered.
You also have to take into account that a deck with 3-6 outlast creatures has 3-6 creatures that are "worse" than almost every other creature at the same CMC until you invest additional mana. You'll be playing behind curve if you want to be able to activate their abilities right away.
Lastly it isn't just abzan that would be able to take advantage of this. would be able to land a threat and keep mana open for Dissipate, Lightning Strike or Valorous Stance while
would be able to hold back mana for Hero's Downfall, Utter End, Dissipate, Bile Blight and Valorous Stance. And the best thing? The moment these decks try and kill something of mine on my EOT instead of buff their own guys their mana is tapped and I can repay them in kind.
July 13, 2015 9:43 p.m.
Right on kengiczar!
I was thinking yay! Ivorytusk Fortress once upon a time, remembering fun Prophet of Kruphix shenanigans with flickering ETB dudes in another EDH deck. But then ... oh, wait ....
I really think Level Up is quite similar in flavor to Outlast in this way. I know that spending "unused" mana at the end of someone else's turn does leave them open to "do things", but that is part of the fun of it! They can only do certain things and you have to try to "read them" and play them out all the more!
I always love a good mana sink.
wolfhead says... #2
honorable mention:
why does Magma Jet only do 2 damage? why not 3? id jam it into so many decks...
July 13, 2015 3:11 a.m.