Podcast Questions: What is your take on Eldrazi?
Modern forum
Posted on Feb. 6, 2016, 3:28 p.m. by MAniACK_Magee
Hi! I've always wanted to start a podcast, and I've finally gotten around to it. A section of the cast is a community response where I ask a question and read answers and elaborate. Response size doesn't matter, just speak your mind!
So, the question is, What is your take on Eldrazi?
TheFoilAjani says... #3
If the trend of Tron being hated out continues, the Eldrazi deck will have a really tough time. Most of the hate cards that destroyed Tron in the recent SCG Regional (I think it was a regional) severely hinder the eldrazi deck. BloodMoon, Crumble to Dust and Molten Rain all hurt the Eldrazi deck hard. Those cards alone hated out tron from top 8 (maybe top 16/32). It seems likely that the new meta will be too hostile for the Eldrazi deck.
That being said, both decks have the ability to adapt. Warping Wail counters Crumble and Rain. A new innovation from the CFB team is completely colourless with Chalice of the Void + Simian Spirit Guide for 1 drop hate. It almost ruins burn completely, almost shuts off TnN, shuts off hand attack, prevents bolts and birds.
Anyway, hope this take on it helps.
February 6, 2016 4:16 p.m.
Harashiohorn says... #4
The eldrazi deck plays a lot like the Vintage deck "Shops", and as such the modern meta is not very used to it. All in all the key thing for decks to do now is to win off of weak creature-board states since the eldrazi deck will consistently win that, so your Living-End, Tron, and Ad-Nauseum type decks will be the way to go for now. Zoo is almost completely dead (again) and Jund and Junk have a generally uphill battle against most of the meta.
Scouty says... #2
I certainly feel like it's going to have a presence in Modern. It can just pull out such a large board presence so fast. It's hard to compete with a 4/4 turn 2 that strips a card from your hand a-la Thought-Knot Seer
It almost feels like the old 12-post decks by the way it plays out, albeit maybe a bit less explosive.
February 6, 2016 4:11 p.m.