Post-ban Infect SB changes?
Modern forum
Posted on Jan. 23, 2016, 11:43 p.m. by Brycetastic
What changes are you planning on making to the Infect Sideboard with Twin and Amulet bloom gone, if any? I'm still very new to modern and would like to hear others thoughts before I start tinkering.
GlistenerAgent says... #3
You can find my updated list here:
Spreading the Sickness
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The important changes I made are as follows:
Mutagenic Growth is back in my deck. We need to be faster to keep up with Affinity, Burn and the mirror and to outrace Tron.
Cut the maindeck Dismember and Spell Pierce and moved them to the sideboard. The only maindeck nonstandard cards are 2 Twisted Image, which are very well positioned.
One more sideboard card for Affinity (4th Nature's Claim). That matchup will come up more frequently now.
Spell Pierce is very good. Great against Burn and the mirror, and can nab a Karn/Pyroclasm against Tron or a discard spell against Bx Eldrazi.
January 23, 2016 11:51 p.m.
Brycetastic says... #4
Thanks, I appreciate the insight. I took my Infect deck for a spin at my LGS (the first Monday night Modern in my area in a while) and went 4-0! I definitely noticed that having main-deck ways to deal with opposing Spellskite seems necessary. I actually lost a g1 to Tron due to a turn 2 Pyroclasm followed by turn 3 Spellskite. I plan on running the extra Affinity hate, but I am curious if you think Distortion Strike is worth running? I've seen some decks running 2/3 copies main-board. Is this good in the current meta to get past affinity creatures and/or eldrazi for the final damage? Or is Blighted Agent and Inkmoth Nexus enough without the additional evasion?
January 26, 2016 9:54 p.m.
GlistenerAgent says... #5
Depends on what decks you're seeing. If there is a lot of Lingering Souls, you can justify 1-2 (2 if there really are a ton of Spirits). I might play Slip Through Space instead of Strike.
Brycetastic says... #2
Also curious if anyone has come up with any good plans for dealing with Eldrazi decks from the infect perspective (other than just winning faster).
January 23, 2016 11:44 p.m.