Ravnica Allegiance cards in Modern Burn
Modern forum
Posted on Jan. 11, 2019, 3:32 p.m. by StopShot
Ravnica Allegiance spoilers have concluded, and I feel there are two cards spoiled that may have potential to see play in Modern Burn or at the very least hold potential for burn decks on a budget.
Obviously the dream is to cast this for , and given the requirement to do so is reliant on what burn does best it's easily comparable as a Modern version of Chain Lightning, yet given that Modern Burn is so refined it might be hard to find a spot to include this card. From discussions I've read, people are talking about cutting Skullcrack for a cheaper burn spell or Monastery Swiftspear given prowess is somewhat of a non-bo if you have to use your combat step to cast this spell. Personally I think I'd cut Rift Bolt given that you can cast this spell for cheap and have it deal damage on the same turn. Other than that this card may work best in Rakdos/Jund/Mardu decklists that run Bump in the Night and/or Shard Volley.
Comparable to Mutagenic Growth we now have a pump spell that also grants a relevant form of evasion for one mana. While pump spells are normally used to keep Goblin Guides and Monastery Swiftspears alive from oncoming Lightning Bolts, Izzet Charms, and Lightning Helixes granting flying in the late-game can also work as a one-mana 4-to-5-damage spell if it means getting a Goblin Guide or Monastery Swiftspear over a Gurmag Angler or Wurmcoil Engine just to close out the game. The only cons are this card may come out dull against Faeries and Spirits, and it does absolutely nothing if you don't have a creature to cast it on either. (That said Arrester's Zeal does make top-decking a hasty creature not as problematic as it is for most burn decks.)
What are your thoughts on these cards? Do you think either has potential to see play in Modern, and do you plan to include them in your own burn deck? Leave your thoughts down below.
Skewer is pretty certainly playable. Skullcrack should be cuttet.
Swiftspear is too good because it enables the fastest kills and is a source of recurring damage.
Cutting riftbolt doesnt make sense. The goal is to make the deck quicker and more flexible by increasing the number of one mana spells (thats also an argument against swiftspear obviously)
You dont want to cast skullcrack for prowess triggers either so that nonbo is not a thing that will get worse.
I agree that it might be better in decks with additional one drops an im lookong forward to see if black will replace white as a splash color (or be addet to the deck)
The other card is absolute garbage
It can be dead, opens you for two for ones and requires a creature to do anything. Thats not something burn ever wants.
Flooremoji says... #2
Short answer: No on Arrester's, yes on Skewer.
January 11, 2019 4:22 p.m.