RECONSTRUCTION: What to do with our banned modern decks.

Modern forum

Posted on Jan. 20, 2015, 2:40 p.m. by sirbar

Now that our birthing pod and delver decks are essentially a pile of cardboard, what are we going to do with them.

slovakattack says... #2

I wouldn't say Delver is a pile of cardboard. It existed before TC, and it'll exist after TC; albeit not as effectively.

You can transfer your land base from Pod pretty effectively to Junk midrange... er, sorry, 'Abzan' midrange- provided you have Liliana of the Veil and Tarmogoyf.

January 20, 2015 2:42 p.m.

Dalektable says... #3

Birthing Pod: Build Junk Midrange.

Delver: You now have a nearly complete tier 2 deck, congrats. The deck existed before cruise, now you need to go pick yourself up some Snapcaster Mage.

January 20, 2015 2:43 p.m.

sirbar says... #4

Dalektable slovakattack Sorry forgot to put without spending hundreds of dollars on Tarmogoyf. As for delver, getting Snapcaster Mage is not as hard as some cards, but delver still needs some form of card draw or it just fizzles with a little removal.

January 20, 2015 2:48 p.m.

slovakattack says... #5

Delver will just go back to Serum Visions, Think Twice and... there was another one, but I forgot it's name, sorry.

January 20, 2015 2:49 p.m.

VampireArmy says... #6

Doran, the Siege Tower is an okay replacement for people without the goyf cash. Anafenza to a lesser extent as well

January 20, 2015 2:49 p.m.

sirbar says... #7

umm this is awkward but how do I edit the post?

January 20, 2015 2:51 p.m.

Dalektable says... #8

Good thing blue has Serum Visions Gitaxian Probe and Sleight of Hand, as that is what the deck must resort to. Cantrips. And for birthing pod...brew, is all i can say. Pod typically played a bunch of creatures no one else wanted. And, sadly if you are in green and playing midrange Goyf is a thing.

January 20, 2015 2:51 p.m.

sirbar says... #9

Maybe a little underwhelming, but just throwing this out there, a deck based around Fauna Shaman.

January 20, 2015 2:54 p.m.

Try Chord of Calling midrange. You'll have to play more value stuff like Finks, Eternal Witness and the full set of Siege Rhino, while Chord lets you get what you need when you need it.

January 20, 2015 2:55 p.m.

sirbar says... #11

GlistenerAgent maybe... but idk doesn't feel strong enough but defiantly would be included if we can save the deck.

January 20, 2015 3 p.m.

ChiefBell says... #12

If you play BG/x you buy goyf or you dont play BG/x. Sure you can replace it with other options like Doran, or something else but goyf is pretty essential to the deck given his mana cost.

Otherwise just build a green midrange deck.

January 20, 2015 3:37 p.m.

vishnarg says... #13

Treasure Cruise gets the banhammer after many members of our community shot down threads discussing it for months. Very interesting.

Not sure where to go from here. Birthing Pod really is always a stable and strong deck to play, or any GB/x build really.

January 21, 2015 5:33 p.m.

slovakattack says... #14

vishnarg: You know that Birthing Pod got banned too, right? :P

January 21, 2015 5:35 p.m.

ChiefBell says... #15

vishnarg - One of the main backhanders from wizards came from the fact that in an certain article Aaron forscythe did say he wasn't eager to ban either of the blue delve cards without a lot of evidence. The he kind of did anyway haha. It was almost certainly pre-emptive. I'm not saying it was the right or wrong decision - I think it was just too early to make the decision at all!

Also pod was banned.

January 21, 2015 5:36 p.m.

vishnarg says... #16

Wow! I missed that news! Holy shit...

January 21, 2015 5:40 p.m.

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