Rest in Peace, worthy?
Modern forum
Posted on March 21, 2014, 4:48 a.m. by scottemery
I'm currently in the process of building my B/W Token deck and I have placed 3x Rest in Peace in my sideboard, yet to me it seems like it could be a viable mainboard card due to the fact that it renders the Melira combo useless, past in flames redundant, goyf small, living end dead and affects many other decks. Is it worth a spot in the mainboard, not just in my - Intangible Souls of Bladehold - but in other decks also?
You really want them in the sideboard. Pod can still play around Rest in Peace , Zoo doesn't care about it's Tarmogoyf s as much as you care about Lingering Souls , etc.
March 21, 2014 5:44 a.m.
Modern is too diverse and fast of a format to risk a maindeck sideboard card. There are so many match-up were this would be a dead card, and at 3 your likely to pull doubles isn't awful. Whatever % advantage this might get you in G1 over certain lists isn't likely worth the effective mulligan to 5-6 against everything else.
March 21, 2014 7:08 a.m.
I think Angel of Jubilation
would be a better mainboard hate card.
It's an anthem, shuts down Birthing Pod and fetch lands, Storm can't pay life for Gitaxian Probe , and Affinity can't make a huge Arcbound Ravager . It even makes Spellskite useless in decks that don't run blue.
gufymike says... #2
Not really, if you're running Lingering Souls , if not why the fuck aren't you?
March 21, 2014 5:02 a.m.