R/G Pillage, Boom, Liquid Metal Coatings, Tier 1.93. Turns 1,2,3 Land Destruction Primer, Template.

Modern forum

Posted on Sept. 29, 2019, 10:58 a.m. by Asturonethoriusaline

Hey Hi all. I used to have a R/G Land destruction deck here that had 29 +1's, likes, that was standard Format.

Then I changed it, to a modern deck, and it got +19 +1's,likes at another site.

Then I changed it again, and post it here again.

It can get out a Deus of Calamity , on, by turns 1,2,3.

It destroys lands on turns 1,2,3.

The deck destroys Jund, Tron, Kiki Chord.

I have worked a hard a long time on this deck.

So I posted the deck, as a kind of example, template, Primer, with a semi kinda, sorta, semi article like deck description.

The deck has: Pillage , Boom , Liqui-metal Coatings, Charmbreaker Devils , Hoard-Smelter Dragon , Deus of Calamity .

Also I am trying to build one of the best Land Destruction decks possible.

And I want to help those in the community to be able build the best land destruction deck possible.

So please view, read, etc, the deck, when want to.

Also please comment on, about the deck on, at the deck, when want to.

Also when,if you like the deck, please like, +1 the deck, when, if you like deck.

That would, will help me, others assess the deck.

Also if the deck does NOT get enough +1's, it would probably get ignored.

I plan on buying the cards for this deck,then playing the deck at competitive FNM's, PTQ, etc.


Gidgetimer says... #2

Breaking tiers down into .01s is a scale of granularity that I have never seen before.

September 29, 2019 2:14 p.m.

Ok I could put down Tier 1.9. The point being that I think Land Destruction either is or can be better then Tier 2 decks, but not Tier 1, but somewhere between Tiers, Tier 1 and Tier 2.

Land Destruction either is, should, could, would, etc, be a semi competitive, semi dark horse, semi spoiler,semi rogue deck,etc, deck that wins about 49.999% to 53% of its games, that can, will beat almost any, every deck, while losing semi occasionally losing to even weaker decks.

In tournament play I can easily see a scenario where the deck loses to a weaker tournament player, deck. Then the deck that would have been the tournament champion, if not for the land destruction deck, loses to the deck.

And the times I have played Land destruction decks in tournaments in the past, that has happened once.

Also if the meta is just right, and if Modern stops being dominated by win on, by turn 1,2 decks, and slows down a little tiny bit, then I can see Land Destruction STEALING a top 10 finish at a PTQ, Pro Tour Qualifier, GP, Grand Prix, States, etc.

Also Land Destruction beats Kiki Chord, and other Tier 2 decks.

So better then tier 2, but not tier 1.

So rather then explain that, I thought I would sum that up by putting Tier 1.93 or Tier 1.9

September 29, 2019 7:01 p.m.

Gidgetimer says... #4

The notation I most commonly see used is X.5 to denote what you are trying to. I thought maybe there was another site that did in fact break W/L/T down to such a degree to get each deck in its own "tier" number. I wasn't trying to give you a hard time, mostly just commenting on a notation that I hadn't seen before.

September 29, 2019 11:38 p.m.

Its ok. Thanks for commenting

September 29, 2019 11:46 p.m.

kiy251 says... #6

"Tier 1.93" could someone enlighten me on how the tier system actually works, for the most part when I went by the way ModernNexus used to do it but I honestly just feel like people are taking the piss and just putting random numbers.

October 2, 2019 6:02 a.m.

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