Rule of Law or Ethersworn Canonist?

Modern forum

Posted on July 4, 2014, 6:07 p.m. by PrimeEpoch

I have been debating whether to include Rule of Law or Ethersworn Canonist for a long time now, and I want people's opinions on this so I can make a decision. They both have massive advantages in different deck, I'm playing G/W hatebears, please have a look at my deck too if you can.

Bears will hate. Playtest

Modern* nayaftw


Ethersworn Canonist is a staple in most hatebears sideboards. Vialing it in is a very powerful thing to do.

July 4, 2014 6:09 p.m.

PrimeEpoch says... #3

fluffybunnypants that's true, but it eats Lightning Bolt like nothing else in history. Do you think that vialling it outweighs this?

July 4, 2014 6:11 p.m.

There's always Eidolon of Rhetoric .

July 4, 2014 6:14 p.m.

TexasDice says... #5

Normally I'd go with the Eidolon, because Boltproof creatures are very important in this format.

BUUUT, for hatebears, I prefer the Ethersworn Canonist. While it's more suspectible to removal, the extra point of power and the lower manacost both are pretty relevant in a deck, that wants to deal a relatively quick kill.

July 4, 2014 6:39 p.m.

PrimeEpoch says... #6

TexasDice I'm also facing decks like affinity, do you think that the 3 drops could be relevant?

July 4, 2014 7:06 p.m.

GoldGhost012 says... #7

Ethersworn Canonist doesn't do jack shit against Affinity though.

July 4, 2014 7:25 p.m.

PrimeEpoch says... #8

GoldGhost012, my point.

July 4, 2014 7:38 p.m.

TexasDice says... #9

Well, if you're playing a lot of affinity, you should probably sideboard something else.

These effects seem a bit too slow against affinity. Stopping them on turn 3 isn't helpful, after the deck dumped it's hand already on turn 1.

Try Kataki, War's Wage for that matchup. It's also okay against pod.

July 4, 2014 7:42 p.m.

nayaftw: you wouldn't be siding it in against Affinity, you'd be siding it in against Storm.

July 4, 2014 9:03 p.m.

In the matchups where you would side in Ethersworn Canonist , Rule of Law or Eidolon of Rhetoric , I believe the Eidolon is the best choice. You should only be sideboarding these cards in against Storm and nothing else, and that deck often sideboards in Lightning Bolt to deal with your Canonist and Echoing Truth to deal with your Rule of Law . I recommend playing Eidolon of Rhetoric , as well as siding in more Thalia, Guardian of Thraben .

July 4, 2014 9:26 p.m.

PrimeEpoch says... #12

Yeah guys, I have decided that Eidolon of Rhetoric probably is the best card here. Thanks for the help. :)

July 5, 2014 11:36 a.m.

sylvannos says... #13

Be wary if you're on the draw with Eidolon of Rhetoric . If you play it on turn three, and the Storm player bounces it at the end of your turn, you get killed on turn four. Or worse, they can go for a turn three kill if they Gitaxian Probe and see it waiting there. Part of what makes Ethersworn Canonist so powerful is that you can reliably stop a turn three and turn four kill.

I think the four toughness is going to outweigh that it comes down on three, but it's something that should be considered. I do like Eidolon of Rhetoric also because it deals with Eggs, so it works double duty.

July 6, 2014 4:31 p.m.

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