Sideboard options, R vs W

Modern forum

Posted on Jan. 26, 2014, 1:38 p.m. by Three-Left-Feet

So, I'm building an Eternal Command deck, and Yasooka (the deck's creator) basically splashed red in strictly for the Side-Board (and then mained a playset of Lightning Bolt ).

I'm just curious as to what side-board options Red has over White. I mean, Huntmaster of the Fells  Flip is one that Yasooka sides in, but I figure Geist of Saint Traft might also help, just because AEther Vial can stay on 3 for Eternal Witness and Vendilion Clique .

A Hexproof creature is nice too, when you have an option to tap all their creatures with Cryptic Command , eliminating blockers, and possibly bouncing an Eternal Witness to do it again next turn.

So aside from those two creatures... What're some popular options between the two decks?

Note; Eternal Command can function without using its graveyard, but it looses a LOT of potential. Yasooka used Graffdigger's Cage for his graveyard hate, because he can bounce it AND it doesn't exile his graveyard, and prevents the opponent from using certain graveyard hate cards, such as Tormod's Crypt and Relic of Progenitus , because they require targeting the grave

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