So, High priest of penance doing in Modern?

Modern forum

Posted on March 23, 2013, 4:50 p.m. by incredibruhahaha

I'm wildly curious about how the High Priest of Penance is doing for you in Modern. We all know it makes a good blocker -- fine. I'd like to know, though, if anyone has finally managed to combo it 'for the win.'

alpinefroggy says... #2

As far as I know, it sees little if no play in modern. Its interesting and potentially thesible but at two mana and easily being killed without the activation doesn't seem great. Abrupt Decay is similar in a sense but sees play because of its efficiency and no questions asked removal.

March 23, 2013 5:10 p.m.

It has potential though. Honor the Pure, the lieges, if you can boost it up it can survive and kill permanents a load. Yeah, it might hit a destroy effect, but it's not awful.

March 23, 2013 5:28 p.m.

You see, I've come through a wealth of threads trying to find the right cards to awake the 'machinegun' hid in the priest (infinite triggering). So far I've seen it paired with Wild Defiance , plus a Colfenor's Urn and then some kind of recurring bolt. Maybe Chandra, the Firebrand , eventhough that wouldn't trigger the defiance.

I mean, I know there's a way to pull it off.

March 23, 2013 5:52 p.m.

alpinefroggy says... #5

Ok a combo possibly but to clarify my statement a little. Control decks don't want it as its an inconsistent answer. Combo doesn't need it. Aggro doesn't want it either because its not a very aggresive creature. It is a very good card though. That ability on a a creature is good in the right deck and is flavorful in reference to Vindicate .

TLDR; Its a good card just not something most decks in modern are looking for at the moment.

March 23, 2013 5:58 p.m.

Demarge says... #6

It unfortunately wouldn't really be an effective combo seeing as it's not quite Vindicate and can't hit opposing lands.

March 23, 2013 10 p.m.

gheridarigaaz says... #7

I really don't see it making an impact in modern... maybe in a humans deck running AEther Vial so you can flash it in before declaring blockers... but it doesn't really do much outside such situations unless your opponent either gets careless or wants you to let it do something. Even then, you're probably bending over backwards for the interaction when you could just as easily run Disenchant or Path to Exile which deals with most threats the high priest will probably be taking care of without having to worry about not impacting the board.

I face a similar dilemma with a few of my pet cards... Psychic Surgery + fetch-land interaction being one of them.

March 23, 2013 11:27 p.m.

sylvannos says... #8

I think the issue is that he's a black two drop in a format with Dark Confidant and Abrupt Decay . He's fighting with both of those cards for the same slot.

March 24, 2013 6:50 a.m.

alpinefroggy says... #9

@sylvannosno, not Dark Confidant . Nothing fights a spot for that card when a deck is considering it, it sees play as a four of almost immediatly

March 24, 2013 4:55 p.m.

what about this Rings of Brighthearth

March 24, 2013 5:51 p.m.

You'd have a rather good point if "play an activated ability" counts for ones that are triggered, because it's not totally obvious.

Plus, it's not much of a win condition, you might be able to clear the field, but you've still got to create something around that to win the game.

March 24, 2013 6:06 p.m.

sylvannos says... #12

@alpinefroggy: That's what I mean. Dark Confidant is an automatic four-of. That leaves very few 2 CMC slots open, which are usually filled with cards like Abrupt Decay , Terminate , or even Dreadbore .

March 24, 2013 7:55 p.m.

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