So I went to a PTQ and did almost great... (huge review)
Modern forum
Posted on July 27, 2014, 6:48 a.m. by Putrefy
Hello everyone,
yesterday I went to a local PTQ in Ludwigsburg, Germany. I took my Rock-Deck to a 5-3 finish (was 5-1, lost both my win and in matches :(). If you're interested in playing B/G in an upcoming tournament, let me tell you some things I've learned yesterday.
Match 1 - U/R Twin 2-0
My opponent opens with Mountain and at that moment my heart stops for 1 second, please for the love of God don't suspend Rift Bolt ... But he did not and passes the turn. My opening hand was the perfect mix of disruption, removal and I had 1 Tarmogoyf for pressure. Long story short, he couldn't handle neither Tarmogoyf nor Thrun, the Last Troll and never got to stick anything to the board. Clean and easy 1-0
In the 2nd Game I have to go down to 5, my opponent mulls to 6 and keeps what I'd consider a very bad 6. I get to Inquisition of Kozilek him T1 and see 4 lands, Splinter Twin and Flame Slash . My 5 was 3 lands Golgari Charm and Unravel the Aether . Long story short, he kept on drawing well with Serum Visions and finds his T3 Pestermite , as he taps down my only black source I go like: response, tap for black, I fumbled around with my Treetop Village but decided to not do anything. I then played a Marsh Flats and got to blow him out, as he goes for it and runs head on in to my Golgari Charm . In the end my board was overwhelming with Tarmogoyf and Thrun, the Last Troll again. My hand when he was dead was: Golgari Charm , Unravel the Aether , Slaughter Pact , Dismember . So whatever he would have drawn it didn't matter. I had answers to everything. 2-0 perfect start into the tournament.
My boarding-plan.Bring in:
Choke , 2 Golgari Charms, Unravel the Aether , Thoughtseize . Take out 1 Scavenging Ooze , 1 Dark Confidant , 3 Inquisition of Kozilek . Inquisition can neither hit Splinter Twin nor Cryptic Command , ScOoze and Confidant aren't overwhelming. Maybe it's right to keep the Confidants, but I didn't know if he played Electrolyze . Choke should be a no-brainer against U/R, Golgari Charm s are additional protection from the combo and the Unravel the Aether can handle Keranos, God of Storms which more and more U/R/x lists bring in for grindy match-ups.
Match 2 - U/R Twin 2-0
Yet again it was a nice 2-0 sweep. In game 1 I got to display Nissa, Worldwaker 's power for the first time. I saw my opponent had only 2 mana open and went for it. 2 turns later my opponent was dead. I boarded exactly as in game 1 but took out a 2nd Scavenging Ooze and brought in the Bow of Nylea instead. Game 2 was a real struggle, I kept a loose 6 (4 lands, lili, Inquisition) and drew 2 lands and another lili for my first 3 draws. Luckily for me, my opponent was stuck on mana, had only 1 Steam Vents and 1 Desolate Lighthouse for like 6 turns, so I got to draw out of my flood and stick Thrun, the Last Troll once again. If you didn't know already: Blue/Red-decks cannot beat Thrun, ever.
Match 3 - B/G Rock Mirror 1-2
I played against a fellow Rocker and it was the expected 50/50, flip a coin, roll a die match. I take game 1 as he floods out and cannot in time answer my Tarmogoyf , game 2 I flood out and cannot handle his big-ass Scavenging Ooze . Game 3 is on the edge, with him at 2 life and me at 6. Sadly I top-deck 2 lands in a row and cannot answer his Tarmogoyf .
My boarding-plan.
Bring in: 2 Pack Rat , 2 Obstinate Baloth . Take out 3 Thoughtseize , 1 Nissa, Worldwaker . G/B is having trouble with huge boards so Pack Rat races pretty well there, can even outclass a Tarmogoyf pretty fast. Sadly I never saw one in either games. Obstinate Baloth s are a nice way to battle opponent Liliana of the Veil s. My opponent was bringing in 2 Damnation s to counter my Pack Rat -plan (which he didn't know I had). Before the tournament I was tinkering about Damnation as well but decided to go with Pack Rat . In hindsight I think the Damnation s would've been the better choice as they also cover my pretty weak match-up against Affinity.
Match 4 - Melira-Pod 2-1
Game 1 I am on the play, and have the perfect opening of T2: Inquisition of Kozilek + Thoughtseize (I had Treetop Village T1 and Twilight Mire T2). He opened with Birds of Paradise and I was hoping to snatch his Birthing Pod . However he didn't have 1 and so I took Kitchen Finks and Scavenging Ooze . What followed was a great display of "that's magic". He draws for his turn - Birthing Pod . Yeah, of course. Long story short, I couldn't find an answer to the Birthing Pod and got crushed as he outvalues me with drawing Voice of Resurgence in the 2nd turn.
Game 2 I get to stick an Ooze, that grows massive and he doesn't find an answer. His Pod-shenanigans are stopped once I stick Grafdigger's Cage .
Game 3 was a nail-biter. Yet again he get's the perfect opening of T2 Birthing Pod into T3 Voice of Resurgence pod away for Kitchen Finks . I get off the starting blocks real slow but I can T3 Putrefy his Birthing Pod . However his Kitchen Finks and Voice of Resurgence -token beat me down quickly and I have to trade off multiple Scavenging Ooze s before I can stabilze. He get's me down to 7 life before he has to Path to Exile my last Scavenging Ooze that was threatening to get massive. At that point his board was: 2 Gavony Township 4 other Lands, 1 Birds of Paradise with two +1/+1 counters. My board was: 5 lands (1 from Path) and Nissa, Worldwaker and Maelstrom Pulse in hand. So I rip a land, slam Nissa and hit his face for 4. He top-decks Noble Hierarch and could've killed Nissa with his birds. However he decides to put me to 3 life. The next turn I pulse his Birds of Paradise and smash in for 4 again (I was on 3 life so, the Hierarch would've killed me if I attacked with both lands.). He draws another Noble Hierarch but being at 7 life, he doesn't have enough thoughness to handle 12 trampling power coming over. Nissa is a bomb!
Bring in: 2 Golgari Charm , Unravel the Aether , Grafdigger's Cage , 2 Pack Rat , Thoughtseize . Take out 4 Liliana of the Veil , 3 Inquisition of Kozilek . Golgari Charms are nice to wipe their mana dorks and persisted creatures away. Unravel is another answer to Pod, even though not a permanent one, the Cage is a no-brainer and Pod cannot handle a timely Pack Rat. Thoughtseize instead of Inquisition as it cannot take away the birthing pod. I take out all Liliana of the Veil as they are really really really bad against Pod.
Match 5 - U/R Delver Aggro 2-1
I was playing against Marcel Karchapow (2nd @ GP Prague in January 2014, which was also Modern). We race G1 and I make a crucial attack, that I shouldn't have made, that lost me the game. G2 he cannot handle my Goyf and Thrun. G3 I win due to an insane punt from him: I'm stuck on 3 lands for a while, 1 Treetop Village , 1 Overgrown Tomb , 1 Tectonic Edge . He has 1 Mountain , 1 Steam Vents and 3 Island . I choke him when I saw the opportunity. He does nothing, burns me with his Grim Lavamancer and passes the turn. I get a 4th land and pass aswell. He plays Delver of Secrets Flip , and shocks himself with another Steam Vents . He now had 3 Islands 1 SteamVents open. I proceed to tec-edge his Vents and he responds with bouncing my Choke , tapping him out completely and drawing a card. He realized his mistake the second he announced: "bounce your Choke ". I eot Abrupt Decay his delver and replay my Choke locking him out of the game completely as he has only 1 Mountain and Grim Lavamancer left.
Boarding Plan.
Bring in: 2 Golgari Charm , 1 Choke , 1 Unravel the Aether , 1 Bow of Nylea , 1 Thoughtseize . Take out 4 Dark Confidant s, 1 Nissa, Worldwaker , 1 Inquisition of Kozilek . The Charm can deal with Grim Lavamancer , Young Pyromancer + tokens, unflipped Delver of Secrets Flip and if it has to be Snapcaster Mage . Choke is a nobrainer, Unravel to answer possible Keranos, Bow to shoot down flipped Delver of Secrets Flip and to not get burned out and the Thoughtseize for Inquisition of Kozilek swap to hit Cryptic Command .
Match 6 - Scapeshift 2-1
Game 1 I can only stall with my Tectonic Edge but I'm unable to stick a threat. He fights through all my disruption (I TS'd 2 Scapeshift ) and wins pretty easily.
Game 2 I can stick a Thrun, the Last Troll and I'm able to chain Tectonic Edge into Fulminator Mage into Tectonic Edge . He get's to drop an Inferno Titan hower I answer it with double-Dismember .
Game 3 is really close. The crucial play from me was playing Obstinate Baloth to go from 14 to 18 life. Thrun bashes him down to 8. He is at 6 lands, it's my turn again. I attack with Baloth and Thrun, he has to bounce my Baloth otherwise he'd be dead. I can recast it, go to 22 life. He finds his 7th land, has scapeshift in hand but I'm over the magical border of 18 life. He doesn't have another cryptic to stall and I win that game by 1 turn.
Bring in: 3 Fulminator Mage , 1 Thoughtseize , 2 Obstinate Baloth , 1 Batterskull . Take out: 4 Abrupt Decay , 3 Inquisition of Kozilek . The Fulminators are no-brainers, the TS/Inqui-swap because it cannot hit Cryptic or Scapeshift, the Baloths for some lifegain (which was crucial in G3) and the Batterskull for the same reason. Taking out the Decays because they do jack-shit and Inquisition aswell because they only hit irrelevant spells. I tend to keep all my hard removal to answer possible Obstinate Baloth s or other Big-Bongos from their side.
Match 7 - G/W Hatecrap 0-2
Game 1 I have pretty good start, with Inquisition taking away his Path to Exile and dropping Tarmogoyf to stop his Thalia, Guardian of Thraben and Noble Hierarch . However he topdecks Path to Exile 1 turn later and I cannot find another threat in time to stop him from beating me down.
Game 2 I stall like a master for maybe 12 Turns with Bow of Nylea . However I cannot find a single removal-spell to deal with Restoration Angel or his Linvala, Keeper of Silence . At the end of the game I could've hard-castet Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre ...
My boarding was pretty loose. I think it was correct to bring in the Bow of Nylea and Golgari Charm . However I think it was wrong to take out the Thoughtseize . I misjudged how aggressive his deck would be and thought the 2 life-loss were too huge of a drawback.
Match 8 Affinity 0-2
Game 1 I take the only good card from his opening 7 Etched Champion with Inquisition of Kozilek . However he topdecks like a master, and chains Arcbound Ravager into Cranial Plating . I handle neither and die a quick death.
Game 2 he has a manland-heavy draw. I handle his 2 Master of Etherium , have 2 Fulminator Mage s in hand but cannot find a 2nd black for like six or seven draws. Long story short: he kills my with poison as I cannot find a way to deal with his Inkmoth Nexus s. It was kind of comical, as I had 2 Treetop Village s, 1 Overgrown Tomb in play and then draw a Forest .
Bring in: 2 Golgari Charm , 3 Fulminator Mage , 1 Unravel the Aether , 2 Obstinate Baloth . Take out: 4 Liliana of the Veil , 4 Dark Confidant . I don't have a lot in my board to deal with Affinity. To be honest I didn't expect to see it often, that's why the iconic Creeping Corrosion is missing from it. However I think you want the Thoughtseize s over the Liliana of the Veil . If you can take their T2 play: Cranical Plating, Etched Champion , Arcbound Ravager , Master of Etherium , Steel Overseer it's worth the 2 life. Liliana however takes an Ornithopter ...
Resume: I think I did good in the match-ups I knew (Twin, Scapeshift, Pod) and poorly in the match-ups I didn't (G/W Hatecrap). Going forward I think Damnation in the board is a better mirror-plan than Pack Rat . I don't know if the white-splash for Lingering Souls is really where you want to be. You open yourself to Fulminator Mage and Tectonic Edge in the mirror. However you get an insane card to stop Affinity dead in their tracks: Stony Silence . I'm not sure which path I'll take. I think I'll watch GP Boston this weekend and see what happens. I'll be attending another PTQ at 16th of August. Maybe I'll win my 2 deciding matches this time :)
Stand-out cards of the day: Obstinate Baloth and Thrun, the Last Troll . The Baloth is a bomb in almost any matchup where a race might happen. The 4 lifegain combined with it's huge body make it a card that can swing the game back in your favor. It was my overperformer of the day. From the main-deck Thrun was game almost everytime I got to stick one. I don't think there's a better feeling, than when your opponent shocks himself for his 3rd blue source and 4th land, and you slam your Thrun into his obvious Cryptic Command .
Weakest cards of the day: Pack Rat . Maybe because I never got to stick one, but it felt like the weakest card in my board yesterday. Going forward maybe Damnation is a better replacement.
All in all I was pretty happy with my sideboard, as every card saw play and was useful. My 60 was also really consistent most of the times, and I didn't miss Courser of Kruphix at all. With all the blue-decks running around right now, I think maindeck Thrun, the Last Troll is the place to be.
I hope you enjoyed the read, let me know if you have any questions!
Thanks for this. As a fellow rock player ill study this avidly.
July 27, 2014 10:32 a.m.
You had some problems with creature heavy decks. I personally run 2 creeping corrosion and 3 damnation sideboard just to get mega value against them. Also - are you sure you wouldn't rather play Garruk Relentless Flip over Nissa? The advantage of garruk is that he allows you to interact with your opponent should you need it. He's therefore rarely a dead draw as he can help even if you're behind. He also produces tokens which is good. I question Nissas cost and her ability to help when behind.
July 27, 2014 11:19 a.m.
I played Garruk Relentless Flip for quite some time and he was very underwhelming. If he had 4 loyalty so you could use him as a 7th way to deal with Restoration Angel and/or Linvala, Keeper of Silence he would be very good, because those creatures are the most troublesome for B/G.
How exactly does Garruk help you, when "you're behind"? I mean, what 3 toughness creature singlehandedly kills you dead, that you couldn't kill with any given removal spell? And those 2/2 respectively 1/1 tokens are pretty useless most of the time, too. Against combo they are way too slow, against creature heavy decks they are useless against fliers.
His "sac a creature to search for a creature" is only so useful, because in the end you don't have big ETB bongos that can win you the game. If I had drawn Garruk instead of Nissa in the game yesterday my opponent would've lived way more turns, giving him way more time to draw a Birthing Pod or Kitchen Finks or Archangel of Thune .
I agree that Nissa isn't exactly powerful, when you're behind. But usually you don't cast her when you're behind. You cast her when both boards are empty and both of you draw from the top. And then she's a bomb. A bigger one than Batterskull if you ask me.
Also in the 2nd game agains G/W she would've been insane. With so many lands and Bow of Nylea ! Trample + DT is insanely powerful!
I stand to my decision, Nissa is way better than Garruk. It's true, that she costs 5 mana (as does Batterskull that some lists maindeck), but as I already said, she's a lategame top deck bomb/winner. And if you play the deck right, you will reach the point where she an win the game singlehandedly.
As I wrote in the conlcusion, I will include 2 Damnation in the future over 2 Pack Rat . Your observation is right, I had trouble dealing with creature-heavy decks.
As for the Creeping Corrosion : I think it's too narrow with the little amount of affinity floating around. I'd rather have more versatile sideboard cards like the aforementioned Damnation . Which basically does the same (I have tec-edge and Fulminator Mage to deal with the lands and Abrupt Decay to deal with plating).
July 27, 2014 11:33 a.m.
No 3 toughness creature will kill you dead but a variety of decks run multiple 2/2s that will. Hatebears and pod often get into a position where you just can't answer all their bears etc. Sometimes twin will try to get down a late game pestermite when they think you're out of decays or something (seen it happen!). Sometimes you might just want a bit more removal against BW tokens. He's pretty bad against those resto angels etc but he's good against decks that really want to power out lots of bears and establish a wall of presence. If you're already ahead them 2/2s are slow but not bad. Plenty of decks win often with 2/2s. I've had him save me against affinity hatebears tokens and various others just because he happily takes something out or produces a blocker and buys me some time.
I think 4 and 5 drops in general are cumbersome unless you can assume that they're going to get you far ahead. I can think of a greater variety of situations where garruk would be useful as compared to nissa and I think that's a pretty big crime for a 5 drop. You said she's good when you're top decking but that's a pretty low proportion of the time when you have 4 DConf (at least it has been in my experience). I would much rather see someone run a card that's slightly useful more often over a card that's extremely useful rarely.
Whats your opinion?
July 27, 2014 noon
GlistenerAgent says... #8
Interesting series of matches. I'm going to assume this is the list you played:
That said, I have a couple of comments about the matches and your decklist.
I'm not too sure about having multiple Thrun, the Last Troll in the maindeck. Since he's very rarely going to die, drawing multiples is obviously bad. Were I to play the deck, I would cut a Thrun for a Batterskull , possibly finding room for a 25th land if that happens. Having a split of two cards that are almost the same in terms of functionality is nice, since there are matchups where one is good and the other is not. Having the equipment in the maindeck lets you free up a sideboard slot for additional hate.
Going forward, I might cut Nissa for Garruk Wildspeaker . He costs less, can provide a stream of blockers/attackers, and his ultimate is easily reached and lets you finish games against floundering opponents quickly. I've definitely had games with the Rock where I eat all their gas with discard spells, but they get back into it when I can't keep a threat in play and kill them quickly enough. I'm not sure how it plays out, but having too many top-end cards seems like a strain on the mana.
The manabase itself seems pretty solid, though I would cut an Overgrown Tomb for a Woodland Cemetery just for the added value.
Moving to the sideboard, the largest issue I can see is a near complete lack of true Affinity hate. You have access to Creeping Corrosion , Nature's Claim instead of Unravel the Aether . I would definitely find room for those going forward. Kitchen Finks is a nice hedge against aggressive decks, and Bitterblossom is a powerful alternative to Pack Rat that you could also try out. I know I'm suggesting a lot of things, so there probably won't be space for all of them.
Finally, a question about deck choice. There are three main Jund decks, those being Jund, Junk and Rock. What was the decision to play Rock? I know Jund is generally better against creature decks, Junk is better against midrange, control and the mirrormatch, and Rock does well against midrange and combo. Were you expecting a lot more midrange/combo decks?
I have some stuff to say about the matches themselves, but that will be later.
July 27, 2014 12:03 p.m.
@ ChiefBell against mutiple 2/2s I still prefer 4/4 trampling lands. I might change my mind if I consistently have bad experience with Nissa, Worldwaker but until then she stays.
@ thispersonisagenius yeah, that deck. The same I linked in my post. I really liked how consistently I was seeing 1 Thrun, the Last Troll . If you only play 1 you might not ever draw him and 2 is a fine split I'd say. I never in 8 straight matches had more than 1 Thrun and never boarded them out, too. I don't think I will go back to the 1/1 split with Batterskull that I was playing before.
I've read Willy Edel's article about Garruk Wildspeaker , but I disagree. I don't like him at all in a rock-shell. You said, you lost when you couldn't keep a threat in play. Now, how many answers are there to Nissa, Worldwaker besides Maelstrom Pulse that see lot's of play? I'd say a stream of 4/4 trampling lands is a tad bit better than 3/3 tokens, that can die to Lightning Bolt , Abrupt Decay , Anger of the Gods , Repeal , etc. (I think you get my point). Keep in mind, the lands stay lands and they aren't 4/4 until EOT, but forever.
As for the cut Overgrown Tomb for Woodland Cemetery part: Ever had the Treetop Village , Tectonic Edge , Woodland Cemetery draw? It's pretty ugly, right? I rather take the 2 pain, that most of the times doesn't matter but get much more consistent draws. I don't even know why anyone would play that 1-of Cemetery...
As for the affinity-hate: I already made a statement considering Creeping Corrosion . Maybe I'll play 2 Unravel the Aether going forward. I don't think Corrosion is necessary right now and it's a waste of a sideboard-slot. I've played the Unravel the Aether over Nature's Claim because it gives you an out against Keranos, God of Storms and a real chance against Wurmcoil Engine .
I've had Kitchen Finks in there before, but I figured Obstinate Baloth is just better (and my experience yesterday strengthen that opinion).
Against which decks would you side in the Bitterblossom ?
As for deck-choice: I've been playing B/G for ~6 months now. I started with Obliterator-Rock but there were no aggressive creature decks in my LGS. So I changed to jund and had some decent success, but I really hated the stretched mana-base with courser, anger and liliana. So I changed back to B/G only, but this time with Tec-Edge. It took me quite some time, to find above configuration, which I'm super confident in and happy with. I tried White Rock and played some games, but again the 3-colored manabase was giving me headdaches. So I took what I knew best.
I was expecting lot's of Twin, Scapeshift, Rock and Pod. That's why there are 2 Thrun main.
July 27, 2014 12:35 p.m.
GlistenerAgent says... #10
My bad for not reading the post carefully enough :)
You make a lot of good points. I think Garruk Wildspeaker does fit better when you can use him with Lingering Souls , and I actually really like the innovation with Nissa, Worldwaker . I've seen lists play Desecration Demon , Lifebane Zombie (in the sideboard) and even Abyssal Persecutor to either have a bigger threat or disrupt people further. What are your thoughts on replacing Thrun with one of these or adding one of them to the deck?
Another removal spell that just came to mind is Victim of Night . Unless you're seeing a lot of Huntmasters or Dredgevine decks (which I'll rather safely presume you don't), it's a powerful card. I might play a singleton or two just for the versatility.
In my opinion, Bitterblossom is quite strong against Affinity so long as you can manage the lifeloss, and is rather strong in the mirror (BGx decks) if you can protect it from Abrupt Decay . Like you said, the mirror has trouble dealing with a large board presence, and Bitterblossom lets you create that without as much mana investment and card disadvantage.
July 27, 2014 3:02 p.m.
Ok I lol'd at "Green White Hatecrap."
Great post! I'm working on a Junk build myself, so this was really helpful.
July 27, 2014 5:20 p.m.
I'm currently using a budget "G/W Hatecrap" deck. I cracked up so hard! XD
Loved the read, and better luck next time! : )
July 27, 2014 7:03 p.m.
I tried different things already with my deck. At one point I was running 3 Pack Rat and 2 Mutavault main (split 2/2 with tec-edge), but I didn't like that plan a lot. I read that Lifebane Zombie would be strong, but only if you don't expect too much B/G, affinity or b/w tokens. He's great against big zoo and Pod, but the former is non-existent right now and I don't want to run a card that's only good in one certain match-up. Well maybe he could be good in the mirror, to snatch a Tarmogoyf or Scavenging Ooze and it can only be blocked by Dark Confidant (lovely trade...) and it can draw an Abrupt Decay so your Ooze/Goyf sticks... hmm... need to think about this some more.
As for the Abyssal Persecutor : I dislike that I have to somehow remove him to actually win the game, and I have only 6 ways to do so. It's a very powerful card nonetheless. But if you fail to find the key-removal in time you might end up loosing.
Desecration Demon is also an option I considered but dismissed it, because I was expecting more pod-decks than I actually encountered and he's really bad there. Also he's generally not that great against decks that run disposeable creatures like affinity (thopter) or g/w (VoR).
At one point I even tried Master of the Feast but it's kinda contrary to the actual aim of grinding your opponent out, if you steadily fill their hand with gas. I think he could work in an U/B/x(maybe Esper)-Delver-Tempo list.
An Option I'm keen on testing is running 1 or 2 Polukranos, World Eater . He could be insane against Pod, Affinity (shooting down 2 mana-dorks or 2 fliers from affinity) or maybe even delver-lists and provides a huge threat against control-decks (at worst he draws a Path to Exile at best he wins the game for you.
Maybe you could run Victim of Night instead of Slaughter Pact . It has less restrictions for sure. But I like the blow-out potential of Pact when you're tapped out.
As for Bitterblossom : I see the arguments for it. But I think the life-loss is too huge of a drawback given that I don't run Courser. I might consider it in the future.
Thank you all for your feedback.
July 28, 2014 10:20 a.m.
Rock is a control deck at heart, it doesnt want mindless beaters it wants things that gain slowly incremental advantage against your opponent. Polu seems like a fair idea but might be too slow. For 5 mana you get to distribute 2 damage among things which is hardly ground breaking.
July 28, 2014 10:23 a.m.
GlistenerAgent says... #15
One more note: Lingering Souls breaks the mirror, it doesn't make Junk worse. You do have a little worse mana, but you get to run your own Tectonic Edge s and have access to the full 8 on-color fetches. More versatile sideboard cards help too, Stony Silence for Affinity and I've seen some of them side in Path to Exile and even Fracturing Gust .
About sideboarding: I think it's wrong to take all of the IoK's out against Twin. You can still take Snapcasters, combo pieces, Bolts, etc. to give them fewer fancy things to do. Would you consider keeping Abrupt Decay in against Scapeshift if you see an Omen? I would definitely take some out, but keeping a couple for that seems good.
Panda213 says... #2
Nice! I haaaate pod decks and love hearing about them being beat :) sucks you lost the out the way you did but it sounds like this was a great learning experience, better luck next time!!
July 27, 2014 8:37 a.m.