Soul Sisters' Relevance?
Modern forum
Posted on Nov. 13, 2014, 9:46 a.m. by UberCorp
Is Soul Sisters still able to compete in Modern? I really like the deck and thought it would be a fun way to get into modern. I know it's not tier 1 and wouldn't be winning any GPs, but would it still do well? (as in not get completely destroyed every game at FNM).
derKochXXL says... #3
It is very well suited against the delver/burn meta at this moment.
November 13, 2014 10:14 a.m.
GeminiSpartanX says... #4
As Treasure Cruise becomes more popular in burn and tempo builds, I think soul sisters still has a place in modern. It doesn't matter if they draw 3 bolts off a cruise when you only spend 1 card to gain 6-12 life. Ranger of Eos is all the card advantage you need to beat them as long as they don't have maindeck sweepers.
November 13, 2014 10:16 a.m.
Servo_Token says... #5
Its never really been a bad deck, it's just one of those decks that people don't like to play. Right now, I believe, is the best time in a while for it competitively, but you're never really going to have a horrible time running it. Just throw in some sideboard options for the mirror as it becomes more prevalent.
November 13, 2014 10:55 a.m.
Even in a favorable field Soul Sisters is still pretty meh. The primary problem with Soul Sisters is that it's an attrition based deck with very little interaction and a slow-ish clock, which means it gets preyed on by the combo decks and sometimes disruption can leave it with the bad pieces of the deck. I have seen the RW version do some pretty silly things if it's given the time to set up, and to be fair there are some combo match-ups like Scapeshift or Ad Nauseam where you can actually lifegain out of their combo range.
Really it comes down to the push-and-pull between how much fun you think the deck is versus how much you want to set yourself up for winning an FNM level event. Personally, for something like FNM I'd rather play something fun. Worst case you're out a few bucks.
November 13, 2014 12:30 p.m.
Servo_Token says... #8
I think that comic is a little misleading. I played a Soul Sisters mirror the other day where we were both up to near 1,000 life, and I was swinging in with 4 100/100 Ajani's Pridemates against a field Elspeth, Knight-Errant indestructible tokens, while activating Vault of the Archangel every swing for the lifelink.
Needless to say, I promptly shot myself after conceding.
November 13, 2014 2:19 p.m.
Servo_Token says... #10
Yes. If both players are only at 150 life, the game has probably just started. Really, the comic doesn't really give justice to the severity of how absolutely dreadful those matches are.
November 13, 2014 3:20 p.m.
JexInfinite says... #11
Soul Sisters is great if you devote yourself to it and actually spend money. If you're getting the exact version the TolarianCommunityCollege is using, you will probably get swamped. That's just a shell for you to build around, not a complete decklist.
Make it your own, and make it good. I can go 4-0 sometimes at FNM, other times 2-1-1. Check out what the meta is like. If there's a lot of Tron and Pod, you're in for a hard round, but if it's mostly aggro, just shut up and buy it.
It's a pretty good deck for getting into modern, but upgrades are necessary for it to be GP/PTQ playable, which it totally can be.
November 13, 2014 7:06 p.m.
Thanks for the answers (sorry i took so long to respond, ive been busy with school). I was hesitant to purchase the playset of Serra Ascendant and the 3 Ranger of Eos before knowing how the deck would do ($80 is kinda a lot for me right now to spend on only a handful of cards).
Sparda1127 says... #2
It does fairly well at my LGS. I use TolarianCommunityCollege's deck though.
Just get to know what everyone at your shop plays often, and judge for yourself.
November 13, 2014 10:02 a.m.