Splinter twin

Modern forum

Posted on March 4, 2015, 8:56 p.m. by IndepenentMeta

So I was looking at the last scg event. And I've been hearing a lot about splinter twin. I took the time to build my own version of the deck and I mock boarded a few matches vs my sultai, and I found it being pretty damn consistent. The mana costs are fair, it has a balanced amount of kill spells with counter traps, and you can even splash in some haymakers like stormbreath or tasigur in a glixis varient. I was pretty amused by the deck due to the fact that the old card game I was playing didn't have a balanced out infinite. I mean it's pretty neat that you can battle it out in a control style, go aggro, get discard options, and loot for a the infinite.I gotta say I am impressed

GlistenerAgent says... #1

It's not a sign of anything. It's a sign of not wanting to spend money on the game (good or bad as it may be), and that's it.

March 5, 2015 8:16 p.m.

IndepenentMeta says... #2

Naw it's pretty skillful when you don't have the money for a 60 dollar card or a set you can't really afford and finding something that's cheaper and could do as well.

March 5, 2015 8:18 p.m.

GlistenerAgent says... #3

No, it's called playing on a budget. There's a reason people spend money on cards, it's because they actually are better.

March 5, 2015 8:20 p.m.

IndepenentMeta says... #4

In some cases yes but not in all

Wich do u think is better

Force of will



March 5, 2015 8:45 p.m.

IndepenentMeta says... #5


It's my build to Affinty all fall to magma jet

March 5, 2015 8:46 p.m.

GlistenerAgent says... #6

You're smart, supposedly. Don't you know that those creatures can get bigger? Arcbound Ravager doesn't die to Jet. In fact, if he's in play nothing dies to Magma Jet. Costing two mana is also rough when they're on the play, because if you had Bolt you could stop shenanigans earlier.

Force of Will is better.

March 5, 2015 8:48 p.m.

notamardybum says... #7

in his defense there has to be some skill involved in finding a replacement for an expensive card. but really, if you were able to use the expensive card...you would.

also to go back to why 3 tasigur? because 4 was too many, and 3 is a great number to possibly have it in your opening hand, and possibly get it down on turn 2.

Lightning Bolt is necessary. 100% it's 1 mana, 3 dmg. thats it. no arguing against it.

lastly, try getting to fetchlands for your deck. once you have enough, you won't find a need for scry lands or scry effects because the lands aren't there. also i've been using Telling Time over Serum Visions, not saying you should do the same, but definitely try out telling time. It's amazing, sometimes finding me the whole combo when im behind and my board is empty.

March 5, 2015 8:49 p.m.

vampirelazarus says... #8

Daze sets you back a turn (which is huge in it's formats), FoW doesn't.

You're making choices to be original, and that's a good thing, don't get me wrong. But bad cards are still bad cards.

Magma Jet is worse than Lightning Bolt. Bolt kills nearly everything in the format you need to worry about, for one mana.

Jet let's you scry two and then die to the the thing you could've killed.

And uses more mana to do it.

March 5, 2015 8:51 p.m.

IndepenentMeta says... #9

Yeah but you can hard cast daze for two where as force of will cost 5. I'd pick daze over force of will anyday. Ummmm my point is both cards do the same thing have similar effects but one cost 150 dollars less than the other. Now are they both equally as great? Yus and finding a good sub for a expensive card could be considered to be a skill

March 5, 2015 9:33 p.m.

And yet we'll not convince him otherwise.

March 5, 2015 9:34 p.m.

Lol can I just see for myself? If it comes out that bolt really would've made a competive difference once I buy the deck I'll let you guys know I was wrong...

March 5, 2015 9:35 p.m.

Ugh don't get me wrong guys I always do this every time I play.I am listening to you guys and earlier I stated it will go into consideration. I don't wanna get labeled as a bad player just because I wanna see something for myself.

March 5, 2015 9:37 p.m.

bijschjdbcd says... #13

Daze is better than FoW will because ypu can hard cast it? I'm done.

Playimg with fundamentally bad cards and winning doesn't make you a good player, Sideboarding in good cards in the matchup doesn't necessarily make you a good player either.

Example:Sideboarding agaisnt Affinity, Who woulda thought the card which says "Destroy all artifacts" is good.

Same with Disdainful stroke, You side it in when your opponent has a bunch of 4CMC cards.

March 5, 2015 9:41 p.m.

Lol I have a question do you guys just sprinkle that stupid shit you call logic on anything and it makes you believe your right?

I'll guess I'll try to lower my intelligence to a typical "pro" player level

Of you have two mana up and no cards to remove what would you need in that instance? Daze or force of will?

Now let's break down the effects one only requires a land.. Which is 100% always on the board if your running daze. Where as force of will if you don't have an extra blue your going to need 5 mana to hard cast it. Which in some cases you don't always have.

Lol side boarding doesn't?

Lol ok let me hear it homie what makes a good player? Top table? Trade bait? Throwing away most of your money in the card game? Which is it?

March 5, 2015 9:55 p.m.

One of the benefits to Force of Will is that it stays relevant in to the lategame. Daze very quickly becomes dead, and you normally only see it in decks that go for a strong mana denial plan with Wasteland and Stifle. It's a good card, I grant you, but Force is better in that it is more versatile.

Also, consider a scenario in which your opponent casts Infernal Tutor and cracks a Lion's Eye Diamond on turn 1 (before your first turn). Daze isn't helping you. They both have their moments where they are better. Those moments are just more common for Force of Will.

March 5, 2015 10:04 p.m.

APPLE01DOJ says... #16

Force of Will is powerful because it's online T1.

March 5, 2015 10:08 p.m.

Well you got me there glsiter

March 5, 2015 10:13 p.m.

bijschjdbcd says... #18

Please don't insult people'sintelligence when your reasoning is equally illogical.

March 5, 2015 11:16 p.m.

When someone states a fact, don't get pissy with them. Seriously, so far this has been a reasonable discussion, but it's a fact that Bolt is better than Jet. That you choose to ignore that is relatively frustrating because we, as Modern players, know you're wrong. Especially when you're building a Tier 1 deck. So tone down the attitude.

March 6, 2015 12:07 a.m.

Ok sorry but I know what I'm talking bout. I've been around in tcg's for ages.... And this little thing bout one being better than the other and the other not working, I have to say its not the first not the second not the third and certainly not the forth time I've heard and read such statements. I always hear that kinda stuff and I always just go ahead and run what I think will work and guess what happens after that? I top. Even thou it seems like I'm running a watered down version it still works as tier trust man modern might undergo some changes in the fact that times change. I wish I had some good examples of this but I guess the best example I can use is that Kiki pod change into rhino pod.

March 6, 2015 12:55 a.m.

I don't know, I think we are being too harsh on the Jet vs. Bolt discussion, as maybe, if I were all in on the turn four infinite exarch, I might prefer the scry, to help me dig.

But, if I'm doing that, why not dig deeper with two Serum Visions?

March 6, 2015 12:58 a.m.

As for your "experience" with other tcg's... competitive magic is nothing like any other tcg I've ever seen.

There are books on theory of why you tap mana the way you do.

Not articles, books. Upward of hundred pages.

And that's just for starters.

March 6, 2015 1:01 a.m.

What's your build look like vampire?

March 6, 2015 1:02 a.m.

Trust me I play both yugioh and magic and to me it seems like the same thing I don't don't see the difference or why players that just play magic say its so much better than yugioh. It's the same concept life points, traps, magics, monsters, removal. Even the phases in magic are the same draw phase, main phase, battle phase, and main phase two, end phase. The only real difference I see is Yugioh doesn't have a mana pool. And magic doesn't have an extra deck. But other than that I wouldn't call it a world of difference

March 6, 2015 1:06 a.m.

Well, yugioh is directly based off magic, so.....

As for builds, I don't play twin.

I just play against it a lot. I think we have three in our meta of... ten players, give or take.

March 6, 2015 1:18 a.m.

Lol if only you guys knew the truth ;) and not what you read on the Internet....

March 6, 2015 1:26 a.m.

Ugh I cant wait to get my hands on mine. I'm prolly switching over to modern from here on. It seems like so much more fun than standard even thou standard is getting some pretty badass stuff and the meta in standard looks a little more structured

March 6, 2015 1:28 a.m.

JexInfinite says... #28

Modern is indeed a lot more fun than standard. Modern is the best format for a non-pro player.

But seriously, you should invest in a really good Twin deck rather than spending money on bad cards. You could get 1 good card for the price of 3 bad cards, yeah, but it saves money if you buy the entire thing rather than upgrading.

March 6, 2015 1:38 a.m.

That's just how imma play my deck man

March 6, 2015 1:53 a.m.

This discussion has been closed