The Gitrog Monster in modern KOTR Junk

Modern forum

Posted on March 25, 2016, 2:45 a.m. by TheCeltic814

So I've been thinking about some type of Junk list has Knight of the Reliquary + The Gitrog Monster in the 75. My thought behind it is The Gitrog Monster accelerations how big KOTR can get and provide dig. Then maybe fill in the deck with creatures like Tarmogoyf, Courser of Kruphix, Noble Hierarch, Voice of Resurgence, 8-10 spells and 23-24 lands? Right now, I'm not sure if this type of Jund deck will be able to compete post eldrazi. What do you guys think? Maybe just store for a different meta?

Horizon Canopy + Knight of the Reliquary + The Gitrog Monster results in instant speed "3 draw" and pump for KOTR.

EmblemMan says... #2

I just think that removal is too good for a 5 mana 6/6 that doesnt impact the board but thats just me maybe with ramp with hierarch and birds itd be ok

March 25, 2016 3:38 a.m.

As EmblemMan said, removals are too good in the format. That being said, if you build your deck around them I think most of your spells should be discard so that your opponent only has a few answers available to him. Don't forget that this huge frog is legendary too, so you can't actually go THAT crzay :)

March 25, 2016 3:56 a.m.

pumpkinwavy says... #4

I'm thinking more of pairing The Gitrog Monster with Seismic Assault. Now THAT seems like a powerful combo. The frog doesn't have to stick around for long when you can instant-win with it, Seismic Assault, and Dakmor Salvage.

March 25, 2016 7:56 a.m.

pumpkinwavy says... #5

EmblemMan It impacts the board in a big way when you cast it, adding a 6/6 which doesn't actually die to all that much. Also, if you have kotr on board, then you immediately draw a card.

March 25, 2016 8 a.m.

I think this mighty frog could fit in a sultai deck including Compulsive Research, Thought Scour, Life from the Loam and MAYBE Tracker's Instincts for some card selection. Mulch or rather Grisly Salvage might also be options. Because the trigger is when a land goes to the GY "from anywhere". That's actually really relevant :)

March 25, 2016 8:07 a.m.

car says... #7

i was thinking of a list with a bunhc of fetches and then Crucible of Worlds and some type of asuza extra lands thing so that you could play 4 lands per turn, and sac them too, which is draw 4, get 4 lands and lose 4 life.

March 25, 2016 10:29 a.m.
March 26, 2016 8:28 a.m.

Lilbrudder says... #9

I recently made a budget modern deck around kotr, gitrog and seismic loam and I gotta say gitrog is pretty great with all the cards you all mentioned. If you added goyf to it I think it could definiely compete. Anyways, I would love some feedback on it.

A Journey into the Lands of Gitrog

Modern* Lilbrudder


April 19, 2016 8:11 p.m.

slimoGMS says... #10

isn't Syphon Life also good with giltrog ?

May 2, 2016 12:26 p.m.

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