The State of Modern

Modern forum

Posted on April 16, 2015, 8:19 a.m. by FAMOUSWATERMELON

Last night, I had a conversation with some users here (CanadianShinobi, klone13 and Ryotenchi) about Modern and we agreed that it was doing pretty terribly. According to MTGtop8, U/R twin, RDW, Affinity and Junk take up a huge 47% of the meta right now, and control decks in general are plummeting at a measly 13% of the meta. So what do you guys think should be done (by WoTC, primarily)? What cards do you hope to see in upcoming spoilers? What decks do you think could potentially rise?


ChiefBell says... #1

I agree with you. They do. But I see no truth in earlier comments made by individuals who didn't use the words 'increasing' or 'more' when talking about the format in relation to creatures. They just said 'creatures' as in: 'only creatures'. Which I think is ludicrous. I do see increasing power levels. But I still disagree that we're headed for purely creature based format.

The reason of all of these powerful creature stay is because 1 and 2 mana removal spells kill them. That's a massive tempo hit. Therefore creature players need some value. A control player laughs at your 5 mana creature most of the time. The only reason they're scary is if they have to be answered immediately due to some ETB effect (hey rhino!).

April 20, 2015 2:53 p.m.

vishnarg says... #2

Earlier Chiefbell commented that burn is bad right now. I'm not sure if that comment was serious or not, but Burn in modern is stronger now than it's ever been. The meta is perfect for Burn. With all these Skullcracks and Atarka's Commands running around, Siege Rhino and Kitchen Finks do a petty job of combatting Burn. I find no difficulty in beating Abzan decks in tournaments with my burn deck. Anyway, just my two cents.

April 20, 2015 4:04 p.m.

ChiefBell says... #3

You misinterpreted. I meant that I think that Lightning Bolt and Electrolyze are somewhat devalued due to high toughness creatures and stuff like Voice of Resurgence. Apologies. When I said Burn I didn't mean the deck, I meant burn cards in control. I'm just not certain I like it anymore.


April 20, 2015 4:08 p.m.

Femme_Fatale says... #4

I agree with ChiefBell here. A large reason why I think Jeskai control and delver just don't work very well is because of fatties. Your creatures basically either have to have flying/unblockable or be 5+ toughness. They work against affinity, hatebears, merfolk, RDW, and other forms though, so while the main decks it isn't too good against it still is top pick against all the T2/T1.5 decks.

April 20, 2015 6:21 p.m.

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