Thoughts/Opinions on Butcher of the Horde

Modern forum

Posted on Dec. 13, 2015, 6:58 p.m. by RoarMaster

Heyo. So I just found out about this card Butcher of the Horde recently. Probably a bit behind the times, I know, but I dont play standard, and unless it makes an immediate splash in Modern or Legacy it can take a while for some cards to make it onto my radar.

Im curious as to what the masses think about this guy. He is chillin at like 50 cents, which is kinda suprizing to me, cause I think he is pretty bomb in the right deck.

Why I think he is good:

1) There is no such thing as a 5/4 flyer without a drawback, other than this guy. Every other big flying beater has some usually significant drawback ability attached that makes them generally too unreliable to be playable. This makes him one(if not THE)of the most efficient evasive beaters around.

2) He is removal proof, or at least resistant. He fears no Abrupt Decay, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Helix, Victim of Night, Smother or Doom Blade. Basically the only things you have to worry about are Path to Exile, Terminate, and Dismember when it comes to played removal in the format.

3) He has (potentially) a huge impact upon hitting play. If you have a couple creatures or tokens to sac, the guy hits the field, swings and gains you 5 life. Assuming they have no flying defence, thats a life spread of 10 points the turn he enters.

4) He plays well with other format staples. He can be run beside Dark Confidant without worry due to the fact he can gain back all the lost life and more with a single swing and He loves the tokens made by Lingering Souls(for the most common example).

Why he is not so great:

1) Weird colors. He is in colors that you dont normally see together, and as of yet are mostly unknown in Modern. Not that they are bad colors, but being 3 colors forces him to be played in Mardu or 4/5c goodstuffs lists only.

2) If you dont have sac fodder, he is kinda vanilla. I mean a better than square girth flyer for 4 aint nothin to fuck wit, but some will probably mention the lack of sac issue.

Anyway, Id like to hear your guys thoughts on him. Obviously Im a fan, how about you?

soulwarden11 says... #1

If you're still curious about using Butcher of the Horde, my friend and I came up with this deck list for Mardu Tokens the other day and have been building it to use at a local Modern tournament.

He's a good beatstick in Standard and I used him back at the pre-release next to Zurgo Helmsmasher and Mardu Roughrider along with some Hordeling Outbursts to take home a winning record that night.

He's always been one of my favorite creatures from the Khans block.The Butcher's Comin'

December 14, 2015 5:23 a.m.

RoarMaster says... #2

soulwarden11 Thanks for the help, Ill take a look at your deck.

December 14, 2015 6:17 a.m.

soulwarden11 says... #3

'Twas a good thought, but the High Priest of Penance must take the damage in order to trigger its ability, and you can't sacrifice it in response to lethal combat damage unless it is indestructible in some way.

December 14, 2015 3:49 p.m.

RoarMaster says... #4

Gepetto I dont think you can sac high priest in response to damage on the stack on him.

December 14, 2015 9:31 p.m.

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