Tron: Increasing Land Hate?
Modern forum
Posted on Jan. 21, 2015, 10:30 a.m. by ducttapedeckbox
With the recent changes to the format, Tron has been popping up in discussion quite a bit. Since Pod is out (I am sorry for those Pod players), sideboards now have room to focus on other threats. Will Tron see a increasing amount of land hate being sided in games 2 and 3? I've been seeing a lot of discussion about it becoming a more powerful deck, but should I be worried about more Ghost Quarters and Tectonic Edges as a mono blue Tron player?
If so, is adding something like Trickbind or Squelch to the sideboard something I should be considering? I'm fairly new to playing Tron and the format in general, but this is just something I've observed over the past few days.
I keep a trickbind in my U-Tron sideboard, I was considering taking it out, but it'll stay with the current changes. I may even take out a pithing needle to add one.
January 21, 2015 11:32 a.m.
People are saying that Tron might become one of the stronger decks now, with the banning of Birthing Pod, but I really don't see that happening. In my opinion, Birthing Pod's presence were good to Tron, for two reasons:
1 - Tron had a very good match-up against Birthing Pod. U-Tron was good, and RG Tron was even better. Pod didn't have good answers to Tron's win conditions, and gave Tron more than enough time to assemble its game. Karn, Wurmcoil, Sundering Titan, Ulamog... all of them were really terrifying for Pod;
2 - Pod used to be good against almost every deck that usually defeated Tron. Pod were good against Burn, Affinity, Delver, Infect and Bant Auras. The ban of the deck archetype will probably increase the use of those decks, as well as Twin/Kiki combo, which are Tron's nightmare (not for monoblue);
On the other hand, people have open slots on their sideboards, and Tron has always been a known powerful deck in modern. They might end up filling the Torpor Orb's place in sideboard for a land hate. I'd bet that the Golgari Grave-Troll's unban will make people use more graveyard hate.
My prognostic is: people might fear Tron in the first place, because they (we) have no idea of what will be the meta now. But I think Pod's banning is bad for Tron, and it will not perform better than it have been doing. So, after some tournaments, I think this fear will be gone, and people will probably replace land hate for something else. Important to mention that Ugin may increase Tron's strength, specially against colored aggro decks (non-affinity). But I don't think Ugin's is gonna make more difference than the Pod's banning on Tron's performance.
January 21, 2015 1:23 p.m.
ducttapedeckbox says... #5
Well I completely missed that you guys had posted here. Awkward. Anyways, thanks for the comments everyone.
I've removed the two Torpor Orbs from my sideboard and added Squelchs in its place. I have yet to test it out, but then again I'm a very new pilot of this deck. That said, I really haven't had enough experience to know what a general good or bad match is.
Ugin is also a scary threat coming down on turn 3 or 4 against most decks- I played against.. well... I'm not quite sure what it was. It seemed like burn but more creature based than it normally is. Anyways, games two and three ended with him scooping once Ugin hit the field on turns 3 and 4. I had him in over Platinum Angel and this is another care where time will tell which is more effective.
Servo_Token says... #2
Playing Blue Tron gives you a bigger advantage, because you just naturally care less for singled out land hate. The only thing that you should really be concerned about is like a Sowing Salt, an dyou have counters for that. Blue tron cares much less than RG Tron because they play a slower game and have more basics to back up the tron package.
If you're really concerned about it, Squelch isn't a bad idea to side board, because it hits a bunch of cards in the format that you wouldn't normally be able to deal with.
January 21, 2015 10:36 a.m.