Validity of bogles?
Modern forum
Posted on May 25, 2015, 7:48 p.m. by pokeyrabbit
As the title states i was curious to the validity of bogles in the modern meta. I was wondering if bogles could compete with the modern meta or if the presence of abzan and splinter twin is to much for the deck to be competitive.
The problem with Bogles right now is that it doesn't get to hate on any popular match-ups any more. It was quite viable when decks like UWR Control and Zoo were a larger staple of the metagame, but these days those decks are in decline.
Junk has discard and edicts, Twin can combo, Burn is actually not a good match-up, and Affinity is 50/50. Of all the currently popular decks the only one I think is favorable is Delver right now.
Certainly the deck is not incapable of winning games, Daybreak Coronet is still a really powerful card, but ultimately you want some of those 90-10 free win match-ups when you're talking about doing well at tournaments.
If you are interested in playing Bogles, I would suggest the all-in four Suppression Field mainboard version. It gives you mainboard hate to several decks and can generate free wins from your opponents fetchland manabase.
May 25, 2015 8:02 p.m. Edited.
It can put up a fight against the top tier decks, that's for sure... but most of the matchups are still largely unfavorable, especially Abzan and its targeted discard. So, yes it is competitive, but don't expect to get very far with it unless you're very lucky with your draws.
May 25, 2015 8:05 p.m.
pokeyrabbit says... #5
OK, thanks i was just about to start building the deck
May 25, 2015 8:23 p.m.
Above comments are spot on. I have fully foiled out Bogles and miss the days of UWR terribly. I think that Bogles will have it's day again, but not in the current meta. Grixis Twin and Grixis Delver are the way to go at the moment.
May 25, 2015 8:56 p.m.
wwhitegoldd says... #7
Slycne, burn is one of the best match ups. game 1 burn CAN NOT beat daybreak. Games 2-3 leyline in the side plus daybreak plus the ability to race. burn can't beat without a LARGE amount of luck.
May 25, 2015 11:59 p.m.
I think with help Boggles can be good. I've considered adding a playset of Auriok Champion's to the sideboard to counter Splinter Twin, and having a Dryad Arbor or two helps against popular decks causing people to sacrifice your boggle
May 26, 2015 1 a.m.
wwhitegoldd I will respectively disagree. That match-up is not as good as you might think it is. Yes, you win if you connect with any 5 plus power lifelinker and gain life, but that's not as easy as it first seems.
Bogles takes a lot of damage from its lands. Fetches into Temple Garden and Horizon Canopy can easily give burn 1-2 free spells. So even if you find lifelink that first hit often is only negating the initial land damage.
Generally there are only 6 pre-board lifelink sources and maybe 7-9 after board. That's still around ~30% of the time you simply never draw them.
Before you might have caught Burn without Skullcrack, though often not, but now days Atarka's Command is much to good for them to ignore. Because Bogles only gains life in big chunks, it's not that hard for them to stop that and they usually only need to stop one hit.
Post board, most of them are packing 2-4 Destructive Revelry, which lines up nicely against Leyline of Sanctity and gives them more ways to keep you off lifelink, but they also occasionally pack bullets like Blood Moon and Leyline of Punishment.
It's not the worst match-up, but trust me Bogles isn't that favored.
bijschjdbcd says... #2
Not really.
May 25, 2015 7:53 p.m.