Wanting to get into Modern, best deck to start with?

Modern forum

Posted on March 4, 2014, 8:11 a.m. by Enlightened_Jedi

Really wanting to dive my hands in to modern, only problem is most cards before the RTR block, I don't have.

So which deck would be a great starting point?

Except a few play sets of cards from before, such as Wild Nacatl a few jund type creatures such as Putrid Leech and spells Blightning also Lightning Bolt

I know modern requires you to invest quite a bit of money at first, then usually after the intial "investment" it's not so bad.

Also how viable would a semi-budget affinity deck be, without Mox Opal ?

gufymike says... #2

My suggestion is to find/pick the deck you want to play and work towards it. Example, don't worry about viable, just build affinity and get the Mox Opal s when/as you can. You need a lot of experience and practice in the format before any deck you build is viable. It's about knowing the meta and the players. You can't jump into modern with a tier 1 deck and expect to do good without this knowledge, so it's ok to jump in with less than ok deck to play and learn.

March 4, 2014 8:39 a.m.

Boza says... #3

Affinity is very good without mox opals. Just put in some Springleaf Drum instead and you are golden.

However, having an affinity deck means you have 0 cards to use towards another modern deck.

The most staples are located in black and blue colors. Try to work in those colors. Keep it mono colored to lower the initial costs.

Tell us a budget you want to adhere to, as well as playstyle you enjoy so that we can direct you better.

March 4, 2014 8:55 a.m.

8vomit says... #4

Affinity is the cheapest good deck you could build in modern. Mox opal is the only big investment for that deck. If you decide to build affinity, eventually you are going to want your opals. Most other decks in modern require fetch lands, which will indeed hurt your wallet, but are a good investment, bc theyre not gunna drop in price anytime soon. but then you still need to build the rest of the deck. Ive been working on a BG rock deck for like 6 months, and it is currently worth more than my car.

But gufymike nailed it, you dont need to build a top tier deck just yet. just build something decent, check out the meta, get feedback from other players, and eventually get that ideal deck you're looking for together. I dont think many players just go out and buy a whole deck at once, its more of an ongoing project.

March 4, 2014 9:36 a.m.

There are some inexpensive decks in modern. Storm is perfectly viable without fetches, as is Walk (though that deck is fringe and won't do much outside FNM), and Burn only needs fetches if you are going multicolored. If you keep Burn one color, the most expensive card in your deck is likely to be Goblin Guide , and most of your cards are commons and uncommons.

March 4, 2014 10:15 a.m.

The_Raven says... #6

Well, I would also like to get into Modern. I have only played 2 matchs at my LGS in modern, and I did go 2-2. I want to play with this deck;

Blue Mind Hu-Mill-iation!

Could I go to a Tournament with this deck? Would people just laugh at me?

If I upgrade the deck, will Mill (even with Black) be viable in Modern? (Sorry for maybe go a little OffTopic).

March 4, 2014 10:42 a.m.

kintighd says... #7

Soul sisters is a fairly cheap build you can use, that does well in diverse FNMs. If you play in a fnm that only plays decks from the current meta it won't do very good at all.

March 4, 2014 10:56 a.m.

thanks for the inputs folks. I definitely am going to have to get my butt handed to me a few FNM's, because I honestly do not know the meta of Modern at all, outside of a few cards.

Also Boza I run UW Control in standard if that says anything to what type of player I am. I also enjoy Mono U Dev, and Naya Hexproof. If its isn't big spells, I like cool interactions with creatures or spells to benefit creatures.

That's one thing I like about Wild Nacatl the cool interaction between lands.

Anything Blue I am always going to enjoy though. Fun/Big Spells. And tricksy blue things always make me happy.

Reason why I thought of Affinity is because of Etched Champion this guy is just awesome, also looks really cool in silver dragon shields lol

March 4, 2014 11:05 a.m.

Boza says... #9

Ok, so the way to go for you to continue would be to upgrade your UW control. If you want to do it on a budget, here is my take on it: Azorious Acid Trip.

There are several other options as well. Tezzeret control is UB deck that relies on aritfact based control. Mono W hatebears archetype uses white small creatures and AEther Vial to cheat them into play when necessary. Fun blue things include Grand Architect + Pili-Pala for infinite mana, modern eggs deck with cheap artifacts and Etherium Sculptor to make them cheaper.

There are many variants of UW control in modern as well, that will require just an upgrade of the counterspell suite from standard and a bit of work on the manabase (more duals available).

March 4, 2014 11:17 a.m.

I don't think anyone has said this yet, but if you're not in a hurry you could always wait for the modern event deck to see what's in it and if it'll help you jump into the format.

March 4, 2014 12:21 p.m.

blackmarker90 says... #11

Depending on what your budget is, Tron is a good deck that you can work towards. The most expensive card is Karn Liberated and other than that you can get the rest aside from the eldrazi of your choice (which is usually a 1 or 2 of) for under $10. The main lands for Tron is a total of $12-24 for all of them.

March 4, 2014 12:32 p.m.

gufymike says... #12

Wurmcoil Engine is about 15-20$ also and a 3 of in g/r tron.

March 4, 2014 12:55 p.m.

nighthawk101 says... #13

Well, I'm trying to get into modern and here's what I did:

  • Go to mtggoldfish.com and look at the modern meta deck list.

  • Pick out a few decks you like and note the money cards. (Make sure to switch to paper prices!)

  • Create a deck list on Tappedout without those money cards. I usually ignore the lands and create a manabase more suited to my budget.

  • Playtest and edit the decklist, and trade for/buy the cards like you would for a standard deck.

I'm currently on the final step, and it's really worked for me :) I have two decent decklists for their price (admittedly one is more casual) and I feel that it is a good starting point.

March 4, 2014 1:16 p.m.

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